outdated Built-Using last update: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 21:19:01 +0000 WITH newest_source AS (SELECT sa.suite AS suite, s.source AS source, MAX(s.version) AS version FROM source s JOIN src_associations sa ON s.id = sa.source GROUP BY sa.suite, s.source) SELECT su.suite_name AS suite, s.source AS source, newest_source.source AS built_using, s2.version AS old_version, newest_source.version AS new_version FROM extra_src_references esr JOIN binaries b ON esr.bin_id = b.id JOIN source s ON b.source = s.id JOIN bin_associations ba ON esr.bin_id = ba.bin JOIN source s2 ON esr.src_id = s2.id JOIN newest_source ON s2.source = newest_source.source AND ba.suite = newest_source.suite JOIN suite su ON ba.suite = su.id WHERE s2.version < newest_source.version AND s.source NOT IN ('debian-installer', 'debian-installer-netboot-images') AND su.suite_name NOT IN ('experimental') AND su.suite_name NOT LIKE '%-debug' GROUP BY su.suite_name, s.source, newest_source.source, s2.version, newest_source.version ORDER BY su.suite_name, s.source, newest_source.source, s2.version, newest_source.version suite | source | built_using | old_version | new_version --------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------- buildd-unstable | rust-sequoia-sop | rust-buffered-reader | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1 buildd-unstable | rust-sequoia-sop | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.19.0-1 | 1.20.0-1 bullseye-backports | age | golang-filippo-edwards25519 | 1.0.0~rc1-1~bpo11+1 | 1.0.0~rc1+git20210721-0.1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | age | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | age | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | age | golang-golang-x-term | 0.0~git20201210.2321bbc-1 | 0.0~git20220526.065cf7b-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.9-2 | 1.5.4-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.10-2 | 1.1.12-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-lucasb-eyer-go-colorful | 1.0.3-1 | 1.2.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.4-1 | 1.8.5-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.12-1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.9-1 | 0.0.13-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.3.3-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-modern-go-reflect2 | 1.0.1-1 | 1.0.2-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-muesli-termenv | 0.7.4-1 | 0.12.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.8.1-1 | 1.9.4-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.5.1-1 | 1.9.2-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.3.1-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-github-spf13-viper | 1.7.1-1 | 1.10.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-golang-x-term | 0.0~git20201210.2321bbc-1 | 0.0~git20220526.065cf7b-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | amfora | golang-gopkg-ini.v1 | 1.57.0-1 | 1.66.2-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | aptly | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.36.33-1 | 1.43.26-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | aptly | golang-github-go-playground-locales | 0.13.0-2 | 0.14.0-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | aptly | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.12-1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | aptly | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.9-1 | 0.0.13-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | aptly | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | aptly | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | aptly | golang-golang-x-term | 0.0~git20201210.2321bbc-1 | 0.0~git20220526.065cf7b-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | certinfo | golang-github-icza-gox | 0.0~git20210726.cd40a3f-1~bpo11+1 | 0.0~git20210726.cd40a3f-3~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | duf | golang-github-lucasb-eyer-go-colorful | 1.0.3-1 | 1.2.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | duf | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.12-1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | duf | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.9-1 | 0.0.13-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | duf | golang-github-muesli-termenv | 0.7.4-1 | 0.12.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | duf | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | duf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | duf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.0~git20201210.2321bbc-1 | 0.0~git20220526.065cf7b-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.0+ds-5 | 2.0.2+ds1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-blackfriday-v2 | 2.0.1-3 | 2.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.9-2 | 1.5.4-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.4-1 | 1.8.5-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.3.3-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.8.1-1 | 1.9.4-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.5.1-1 | 1.9.2-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.3.1-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.1.2-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-viper | 1.7.1-1 | 1.10.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-google-protobuf | 1.25.0+git20201208.160c747-1 | 1.27.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | fever | golang-gopkg-ini.v1 | 1.57.0-1 | 1.66.2-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gdu | golang-1.17 | 1.17.1-1~bpo11+1 | 1.17.13-3~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gdu | golang-github-lucasb-eyer-go-colorful | 1.0.3-1 | 1.2.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gdu | golang-github-mattn-go-colorable | 0.1.7-1 | 0.1.13-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gdu | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.12-1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gdu | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.9-1 | 0.0.13-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gdu | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.1.2-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gdu | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gdu | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | git-lfs | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.12-1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | git-lfs | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.1.2-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | git-lfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.0~git20210220.036812b-1 | 0.0~git20220722.886fb93-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gojq | golang-1.19 | 1.19.1-1~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | gojq | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20220825.c680a09-1~bpo11+1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | golang-1.19 | 1.19.1-1~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.7.4-1 | 1.8.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | golang-github-mattn-go-colorable | 0.1.12-1~bpo11+1 | 0.1.13-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.14-1~bpo11+1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20211216.1d35b9e-1~bpo11+1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20220825.c680a09-1~bpo11+1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20220728.c7608f3+dfsg-2~bpo11+1 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | golang-1.19 | 1.19.1-1~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-golang-x-exp | golang-1.19 | 1.19.1-1~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-google-protobuf | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.4-1 | 0.5.9-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-1.19 | 1.19.3-1~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | kubecolor | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.4-1 | 0.5.9-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | kubecolor | golang-github-makenowjust-heredoc | 0.0~git20140704.0.1d91351-1.1 | 1.0.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | kubecolor | golang-github-mattn-go-colorable | 0.1.7-1 | 0.1.13-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | kubecolor | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.12-1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | kubecolor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | lazarus | fpc | 3.2.0+dfsg-12 | 3.2.2+dfsg-20~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | linux-signed-amd64 | linux | 6.1.55-1~bpo11+1 | 6.1.76-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | linux-signed-amd64 | linux | 6.1.69-1~bpo11+1 | 6.1.76-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | linux-signed-arm64 | linux | 6.1.55-1~bpo11+1 | 6.1.76-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | linux-signed-arm64 | linux | 6.1.69-1~bpo11+1 | 6.1.76-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.1.38-4~bpo11+1 | 6.1.76-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.1.55-1~bpo11+1 | 6.1.76-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.1.69-1~bpo11+1 | 6.1.76-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | mkcert | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | mkcert | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | mkcert | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | mtail | golang-1.18 | 1.18.5-1~bpo11+1 | 1.18.10-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | mtail | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.4-1 | 0.5.9-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | mtail | golang-go.opencensus | 0.22.4-2 | 0.23.0-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | mtail | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | nncp | golang-1.19 | 1.19.3-1~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | nncp | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.9-2 | 1.5.4-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | nncp | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | nncp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | nncp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | nncp | golang-golang-x-term | 0.0~git20201210.2321bbc-1 | 0.0~git20220526.065cf7b-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | obfs4proxy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | obfs4proxy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | obfs4proxy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-1.18 | 1.18.5-1~bpo11+1 | 1.18.10-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.9-2 | 1.5.4-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.36.33-1 | 1.43.26-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer | 1:0.0~git20160704.0.46af16f-1.1 | 1:0.19.5-3~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-github-go-openapi-swag | 1:0.15.0-1 | 1:0.21.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-github-mattn-go-colorable | 0.1.7-1 | 0.1.13-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.12-1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.3.3-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-go.opencensus | 0.22.4-2 | 0.23.0-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-go.uber-atomic | 1.4.0-1 | 1.10.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.0~git20190604.0f29369-2 | 0.3.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.0~git20210220.036812b-1 | 0.0~git20220722.886fb93-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-google-api | 0.28.0-2 | 0.61.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-gopkg-yaml.v3 | 3.0.0~git20200121.a6ecf24-3 | 3.0.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus | golang-testify | 1.7.0+git20210824.ab6dc32-1~bpo11+1 | 1.8.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-github-alecthomas-units | 0.0~git20201120.1786d5e-1 | 0.0~git20211218.b94a6e3-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.9.0-2 | 1.11.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.15.0-2 | 0.32.1-8~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-gopkg-ini.v1 | 1.57.0-1 | 1.66.2-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | stayrtr | golang-1.19 | 1.19.6-2~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | stayrtr | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.9.0-2 | 1.11.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | stayrtr | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.15.0-2 | 0.32.1-8~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | stayrtr | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | stayrtr | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.0+ds-5 | 2.0.2+ds1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-1.19 | 1.19.6-2~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-blackfriday-v2 | 2.0.1-3 | 2.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.9.0-2 | 1.11.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.15.0-2 | 0.32.1-8~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | syncthing | golang-google-protobuf | 1.25.0+git20201208.160c747-1 | 1.27.1-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | telegram-desktop | libtgowt | 0~git20210627.91d836d+dfsg-3~bpo11+1 | 0~git20230105.5098730+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.10-2 | 1.1.12-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-github-mattn-go-colorable | 0.1.7-1 | 0.1.13-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.12-1 | 0.0.16-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.9-1 | 0.0.13-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-github-mmcdole-gofeed | 1.1.0-1 | 1.1.3-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-github-modern-go-reflect2 | 1.0.1-1 | 1.0.2-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-github-olekukonko-tablewriter | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.5-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | terminews | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | wireguard-go | golang-1.17 | 1.17.7-1~bpo11+1 | 1.17.13-3~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | wireguard-go | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | yggdrasil | golang-1.19 | 1.19.3-1~bpo11+1 | 1.19.8-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | yggdrasil | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.9-1 | 0.0.13-2~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | yggdrasil | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.3.3-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | yggdrasil | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.0~git20220829.c86fa9a-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.0+git20221012.0b7e1fb+dfsg-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.1.0-1~bpo11+1 bullseye-backports | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.3.8-1~bpo11+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.16.18+dfsg-1 | 1.35.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-github-jmespath-go-jmespath | 0.2.2-2 | 0.4.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 | 0.0.12-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-github-pkg-errors | 0.8.1-1 | 0.9.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-goprotobuf | 1.2.0-1 | 1.3.4-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | aptly | golang-yaml.v2 | 2.2.2-1 | 2.4.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-blackfriday | 1.5.2-1 | 1.5.2+git20200218.41c5fcc-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.7-2 | 1.4.9-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.1+really1.8.0-1 | 1.8.4-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.1.2-1 | 1.3.3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.4.0+really1.2.0-1 | 1.8.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-pkg-errors | 0.8.1-1 | 0.9.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.2.2+really1.2.1-1 | 1.5.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 0.0.3-1 | 1.1.2-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman | 1.1.0+really1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 | 1.1.0+really1.1.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-spf13-pflag | 1.0.3-1 | 1.0.5-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-github-spf13-viper | 1.3.2+really1.3.1-1 | 1.7.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-logrus | 1.3.0-1 | 1.7.0-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | balboa | golang-yaml.v2 | 2.2.2-1 | 2.4.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | cloudsql-proxy | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.4.1-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | cloudsql-proxy | golang-github-lib-pq | 0.0~git20151007.0.ffe986a-2 | 1.3.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | cloudsql-proxy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | cloudsql-proxy | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.0~git20180821.d2e6202-1 | 0.0~git20190604.0f29369-2~bpo10+2 buster-backports | cloudsql-proxy | golang-google-api | 0.0~git20180916.19ff876-2 | 0.28.0-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | cloudsql-proxy | golang-google-cloud | 0.9.0-10 | 0.56.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | dh-make-golang | golang-blackfriday | 1.5.2-1 | 1.5.2+git20200218.41c5fcc-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | dh-make-golang | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 | 0.0.12-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | dh-make-golang | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | dh-make-golang | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.0~git20171101.fd80eb9-1 | 0.0~git20190911.cd5d95a-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | dh-make-golang | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | dh-make-golang | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.0~git20190125.d66bd3c+ds-4 | 1:0.0~git20200410.79a7a31+ds-3~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-blackfriday | 1.5.2-1 | 1.5.2+git20200218.41c5fcc-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.7-2 | 1.4.9-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-buger-jsonparser | 1.0.0-1~bpo10+1 | 1.1.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.1+really1.8.0-1 | 1.8.4-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-mitchellh-go-homedir | 0.0~git20161203.0.b8bc1bf-2 | 1.1.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.1.2-1 | 1.3.3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.4.0+really1.2.0-1 | 1.8.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.2.2+really1.2.1-1 | 1.5.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 0.0.3-1 | 1.1.2-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman | 1.1.0+really1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 | 1.1.0+really1.1.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-pflag | 1.0.3-1 | 1.0.5-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-github-spf13-viper | 1.3.2+really1.3.1-1 | 1.7.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-google-genproto | 0.0~git20190111.db91494-4 | 0.0~git20200413.b5235f6-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-logrus | 1.3.0-1 | 1.7.0-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | fever | golang-yaml.v2 | 2.2.2-1 | 2.4.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | git-lfs | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 | 0.0.12-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | git-lfs | golang-github-pkg-errors | 0.8.1-1 | 0.9.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | git-lfs | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 0.0.3-1 | 1.1.2-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | git-lfs | golang-github-spf13-pflag | 1.0.3-1 | 1.0.5-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | git-lfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.0~git20171101.fd80eb9-1 | 0.0~git20190911.cd5d95a-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20201101.da20708-2~bpo10+1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | git-lfs | golang-testify | 1.3.0+ds-1 | 1.6.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-shell | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-shell | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-shell | golang-google-genproto | 0.0~git20190111.db91494-4 | 0.0~git20200413.b5235f6-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-shell | golang-logrus | 1.3.0-1 | 1.7.0-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-shell | golang-testify | 1.3.0+ds-1 | 1.6.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-shell | golang-yaml.v2 | 2.2.2-1 | 2.4.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.16.18+dfsg-1 | 1.35.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.1.6-2 | 1.2.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-google-uuid | 0.2-1 | 1.1.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-jmespath-go-jmespath | 0.2.2-2 | 0.4.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-pkg-errors | 0.8.1-1 | 0.9.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 0.9.0-1 | 1.9.0-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.0.2+git20171117.99fa1f4-1 | 0.2.0-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 | 0.15.0-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-golang-x-image | 0.0~git20190321.3fc05d4+really0.0~git20181116.cd38e80-1 | 0.0~git20200119.58c2397-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20201031.ff519b6+dfsg-1~bpo10+1 | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20201101.da20708-2~bpo10+1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.4-1~bpo10+1 | 0.3.6-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-logrus | 1.3.0-1 | 1.7.0-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gitlab-workhorse | golang-toml | 0.3.0+git20170626.7.a368813-1 | 0.3.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | gnucash | googletest | 1.8.1-3 | buster-backports | golang-ginkgo | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.7-2 | 1.4.9-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-ginkgo | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma | golang-github-pkg-errors | 0.8.1-1 | 0.9.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20201101.da20708-2~bpo10+1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-evanw-esbuild | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20201101.da20708-2~bpo10+1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.0~git20190125.d66bd3c+ds-4 | 1:0.0~git20200410.79a7a31+ds-3~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma | 0.6.3+really0.6.2-1 | 0.8.2-1~bpo10+2 buster-backports | golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.1.6-2 | 1.2.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.4.1-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-lib-pq | 0.0~git20151007.0.ffe986a-2 | 1.3.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 | 0.0.12-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-olekukonko-tablewriter | 0.0.1-1 | 0.0.4-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-yaml.v2 | 2.2.2-1 | 2.4.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.7-2 | 1.4.9-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.1+really1.8.0-1 | 1.8.4-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.1.2-1 | 1.3.3-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.4.0+really1.2.0-1 | 1.8.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.2.2+really1.2.1-1 | 1.5.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman | 1.1.0+really1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 | 1.1.0+really1.1.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-tdewolff-minify | golang-fsnotify | 1.4.7-2 | 1.4.9-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-tdewolff-minify | golang-github-dustin-go-humanize | 0.0~git20171111.bb3d318-1 | 1.0.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-tdewolff-minify | golang-github-spf13-pflag | 1.0.3-1 | 1.0.5-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-github-tdewolff-minify | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-golang-x-tools | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.2.1-1~bpo10+1 | 1.3.2-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | golang-golang-x-tools | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20201031.ff519b6+dfsg-1~bpo10+1 | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | hugo | golang-github-google-uuid | 0.2-1 | 1.1.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | hugo | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.1+really1.8.0-1 | 1.8.4-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | hugo | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20201031.ff519b6+dfsg-1~bpo10+1 | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | hugo | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20201101.da20708-2~bpo10+1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | hugo | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.4-1~bpo10+1 | 0.3.6-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | kubecolor | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.2.0-1 | 0.5.4-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | kubecolor | golang-github-mattn-go-colorable | 0.0.9-3 | 0.1.7-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | kubecolor | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 | 0.0.12-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | kubecolor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | micro | golang-github-blang-semver | 3.5.1-1 | 3.6.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | micro | golang-github-dustin-go-humanize | 0.0~git20171111.bb3d318-1 | 1.0.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | micro | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 | 0.0.12-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | micro | golang-github-mattn-go-runewidth | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | micro | golang-github-mitchellh-go-homedir | 0.0~git20161203.0.b8bc1bf-2 | 1.1.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | micro | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | micro | golang-yaml.v2 | 2.2.2-1 | 2.4.0-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | stenographer | golang-github-google-uuid | 0.2-1 | 1.1.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | stenographer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | stenographer | golang-google-genproto | 0.0~git20190111.db91494-4 | 0.0~git20200413.b5235f6-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | stenographer | golang-google-grpc | 1.22.1-1~bpo10+1 | 1.27.1-1~bpo10+1 buster-backports | stenographer | golang-goprotobuf | 1.3.2-2~bpo10+1 | 1.3.4-2~bpo10+1 buster-backports | telegram-desktop | libtgvoip | 2.4.4-4~bpo10+1 | 2.4.4+git20210101.13a5fcb+ds-2~bpo10+1 oldoldstable | abci | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | acmetool | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | ahven | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | aide | glibc | 2.28-10 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | aide | zlib | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1 | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers | 0.6.1-2 | 0.6.1-2+deb10u1 oldoldstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | ansible-tower-cli | sphinx | 1.7.6-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | aptly | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | aptly | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | aptly | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | autodeb | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | autosuspend | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | balboa | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | bash | glibc | 2.28-8 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | beignet | llvm-toolchain-7 | 1:7.0.1-8 | 1:7.0.1-8+deb10u2 oldoldstable | binutils-arm-none-eabi | binutils | 2.31.1-12 | 2.31.1-16 oldoldstable | binutils-mingw-w64 | binutils | 2.31.1-11 | 2.31.1-16 oldoldstable | binutils-mipsen | binutils | 2.31.1-14 | 2.31.1-16 oldoldstable | binutils-xtensa-lx106 | binutils | 2.31.1-14 | 2.31.1-16 oldoldstable | binutils-z80 | binutils | 2.31.1-15 | 2.31.1-16 oldoldstable | bottleneck | sphinx | 1.7.5-3 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | browserpass | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | burrow | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | burrow | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1+really1.8.0-1 oldoldstable | burrow | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.2.0-1 | 1.4.0+really1.2.0-1 oldoldstable | burrow | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.2.1-1 | 1.2.2+really1.2.1-1 oldoldstable | burrow | golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman | 1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 | 1.1.0+really1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 oldoldstable | burrow | golang-github-spf13-viper | 1.3.1-1 | 1.3.2+really1.3.1-1 oldoldstable | burrow | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | busybox | glibc | 2.28-8 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | canid | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | cdebootstrap | bzip2 | 1.0.6-9 | 1.0.6-9.2~deb10u1 oldoldstable | cdebootstrap | glibc | 2.28-10 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | cdebootstrap | xz-utils | 5.2.4-1 | 5.2.4-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | cdebootstrap | zlib | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1 | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | cdist | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | certspotter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | chasquid | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | chkrootkit | glibc | 2.28-8 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | ckbuilder | json-js | 0~20160510-1 | 0~20180723-2 oldoldstable | cloudsql-proxy | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | codesearch | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | console-data | unicode-data | 10.0.0-3 | 12.1.0~pre1-2 oldoldstable | consul | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | consul | golang-github-docker-go-connections | 0.3.0-3 | 0.3.0-3+deb10u1 oldoldstable | consulfs | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | continuity | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | copyq | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | courier-unicode | unicode-data | 11.0.0-1 | 12.1.0~pre1-2 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base | binutils | 2.31.1-14 | 2.31.1-16 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base | gcc-8 | 8.3.0-2 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base | glibc | 2.28-7 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base | linux | 4.19.20-1 | 4.19.249-2 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | binutils | 2.31.1-12 | 2.31.1-16 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | gcc-8 | 8.2.0-20 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | glibc | 2.28-7 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | linux | 4.19.16-1 | 4.19.249-2 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | binutils | 2.31.1-14 | 2.31.1-16 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | gcc-8 | 8.3.0-2 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | glibc | 2.28-7 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | linux | 4.19.20-1 | 4.19.249-2 oldoldstable | csvkit | sphinx | 1.6.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | dar | bzip2 | 1.0.6-9 | 1.0.6-9.2~deb10u1 oldoldstable | dar | glibc | 2.28-8 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | dar | libgcrypt20 | 1.8.4-5 | 1.8.4-5+deb10u1 oldoldstable | dar | zlib | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1 | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | dask | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | dbus-python | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | debiman | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | debos | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u3 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | debsig-verify | dpkg | 1.19.5 | 1.19.8 oldoldstable | deets | dpkg | 1.19.5 | 1.19.8 oldoldstable | dh-make-golang | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | dmarc-cat | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | dnss | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | docker-registry | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | docker.io | glibc | 2.28-10 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | docker.io | golang-github-docker-go-connections | 0.3.0-3 | 0.3.0-3+deb10u1 oldoldstable | elvish | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | elvish | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | etcd | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | etcd | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | ethflux | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | ethflux | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | faumachine | fauhdlc | 20180504-1 | 20180504-2 oldoldstable | fdroidcl | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | fever | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | fever | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1+really1.8.0-1 oldoldstable | fever | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.2.0-1 | 1.4.0+really1.2.0-1 oldoldstable | fever | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.2.1-1 | 1.2.2+really1.2.1-1 oldoldstable | fever | golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman | 1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 | 1.1.0+really1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 oldoldstable | fever | golang-github-spf13-viper | 1.3.1-1 | 1.3.2+really1.3.1-1 oldoldstable | fever | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | ffcvt | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | fntsample | unicode-data | 11.0.0-1 | 12.1.0~pre1-2 oldoldstable | fscrypt | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | fscrypt | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | fzf | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | fzf | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | fzf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | g10k | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | g10k | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | g10k | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | gamera | libvigraimpex | 1.10.0+git20160211.167be93+dfsg1-1 | 1.10.0+git20160211.167be93+dfsg1-2 oldoldstable | gcc-8-cross | gcc-8 | 8.3.0-2 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | gcc-8-cross-mipsen | gcc-8 | 8.3.0-2 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | gcc-8-cross-ports | gcc-8 | 8.3.0-2 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | gcc-xtensa-lx106 | gcc-8 | 8.3.0-2 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | gdb-mingw-w64 | gdb | 8.2.1-1 | 8.2.1-2 oldoldstable | git-lfs | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u3 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | git-sizer | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gitlab-workhorse | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gitlab-workhorse | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | gnat-gps | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | go-dep | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | go-exploitdb | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | go-md2man | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | go-wire | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | go-wire | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | gobuster | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gobuster | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | gocryptfs | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gocryptfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | goiardi | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gokey | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-bindata | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-appc-docker2aci | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-appc-docker2aci | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-appc-spec | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-calmh-xdr | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | golang-github-dataence-porter2 | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-dcso-bloom | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u3 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-eknkc-amber | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-gucumber-gucumber | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-influxdata-tail | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-influxdata-tail | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-influxdata-yarpc | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-mailru-easyjson | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-miekg-mmark | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-nicksnyder-go-i18n | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-nicksnyder-go-i18n | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.2.0-1 | 1.4.0+really1.2.0-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-odeke-em-ripper | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-pointlander-peg | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-rakyll-statik | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-sebest-xff | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1+really1.8.0-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.2.0-1 | 1.4.0+really1.2.0-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.2.1-1 | 1.2.2+really1.2.1-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman | 1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 | 1.1.0+really1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-github-spf13-viper | 1.3.1-1 | 1.3.2+really1.3.1-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-tdewolff-minify | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-tdewolff-minify | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | golang-github-xenolf-lego | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-github-yosssi-ace | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-glide | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-gogoprotobuf | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | golang-golang-x-tools | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-goprotobuf | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golang-vhost | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | golint | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | google-cloud-print-connector | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gopass | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gopass | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | gopass | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | gost | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gosu | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gosu | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | gosu | runc | 1.0.0~rc6+dfsg1-2 | 1.0.0~rc6+dfsg1-3 oldoldstable | goval-dictionary | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | goval-dictionary | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | govendor | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gox | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gron | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | gron | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | guice | asm | 6.2.1-2 | 7.0-1 oldoldstable | guice | cglib | 3.2.8-1 | 3.2.10-1 oldoldstable | h5py | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | heartbleeder | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | hellfire | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | hub | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | hub | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | hub | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | hugo | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | iem-plugin-suite | juce | 5.4.1+really5.4.1~repack-2 | 5.4.1+really5.4.1~repack-3 oldoldstable | influxdb | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u3 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | ipywidgets | d3-format | 1:1.0.2-1 | 1:1.0.2-3.1 oldoldstable | ipywidgets | jquery | 3.3.1~dfsg-3 | 3.3.1~dfsg-3+deb10u1 oldoldstable | ipywidgets | underscore | 1.9.1~dfsg-1 | 1.9.1~dfsg-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | irtt | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | jid | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | jid | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | jupyter-client | sphinx | 1.7.4-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | jupyter-core | sphinx | 1.6.7-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | jupyter-notebook | codemirror-js | 5.43.0-1 | 5.43.0-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | jupyter-notebook | jquery | 3.3.1~dfsg-3 | 3.3.1~dfsg-3+deb10u1 oldoldstable | jupyter-notebook | underscore | 1.9.1~dfsg-1 | 1.9.1~dfsg-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | kcptun | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | khmer | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | libcork | sphinx | 1.6.4-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | libcorkipset | sphinx | 1.6.5-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | libgnatcoll | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | libgpuarray | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | liborcus | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | libpdfbox-java | htmldoc | 1.9.3-1 | 1.9.3-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | libstdc++-arm-none-eabi | gcc-arm-none-eabi | 15:7-2018-q2-5 | 15:7-2018-q2-6 oldoldstable | libtemplates-parser | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | links2 | publicsuffix | 20190329.0756-1 | 20220811.1734-0+deb10u1 oldoldstable | linux-signed-amd64 | linux | 4.19.235-1 | 4.19.249-2 oldoldstable | linux-signed-arm64 | linux | 4.19.235-1 | 4.19.249-2 oldoldstable | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 4.19.235-1 | 4.19.249-2 oldoldstable | mender-cli | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | mender-client | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | merkleeyes | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | minica | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | mksh | gcc-8 | 8.3.0-2 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | mksh | klibc | 2.0.6-1 | 2.0.6-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | mksh | linux | 4.19.20-1 | 4.19.249-2 oldoldstable | mongo-tools | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | mongo-tools | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | mopidy-dleyna | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | mopidy-podcast | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | morty | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | mtail | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | mtail | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | mypy | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | nbconvert | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | nbformat | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.4-1 | 0.0.7+really0.0.4-1 oldoldstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins | sphinx | 1.6.7-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | notary | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | notary | golang-github-docker-go-connections | 0.3.0-3 | 0.3.0-3+deb10u1 oldoldstable | notary | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | obfs4proxy | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | ocrmypdf | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | packer | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | pdns-recursor | publicsuffix | 20190415.1030-1 | 20220811.1734-0+deb10u1 oldoldstable | peco | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | pk4 | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | pocl | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | powerline-gitstatus | powerline | 2.7-1 | 2.7-2 oldoldstable | prelink | elfutils | 0.176-1 | 0.176-1.1 oldoldstable | prelink | glibc | 2.28-8 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | pt-websocket | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | pybind11 | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | pybtex | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | pybtex-docutils | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | pycairo | sphinx | 1.6.7-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | pyliblo | sphinx | 1.4.9-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | pysoundfile | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | pytest | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | pytest-qt | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-agate | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-agate-dbf | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-agate-excel | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-agate-sql | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-ase | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-async-generator | sphinx | 1.7.6-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-dbfread | sphinx | 1.4.9-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-dtcwt | sphinx | 1.6.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-imageio | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-jsonrpc | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-latexcodec | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-leather | sphinx | 1.4.9-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-libdiscid | sphinx | 1.7.4-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-midiutil | sphinx | 1.7.2-3 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-prov | sphinx | 1.7.5-3 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-pyepsg | sphinx | 1.4.9-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-pymeasure | sphinx | 1.6.5-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-qtawesome | sphinx | 1.4.9-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-rpaths | sphinx | 1.4.9-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | python-uritools | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | pytsk | sleuthkit | 4.6.5-1 | 4.6.5-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | pyzo | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | qemu | glib2.0 | 2.58.3-2+deb10u2 | 2.58.3-2+deb10u3 oldoldstable | qemu | glibc | 2.28-10 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | qemu | zlib | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1 | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | ratt | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | rawdns | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | rclone | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | rdflib | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | re2 | unicode-data | 11.0.0-1 | 12.1.0~pre1-2 oldoldstable | reflex | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | reflex | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | residualvm | fonts-freefont | 20120503-8 | 20120503-9 oldoldstable | restic | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | rmlint | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | robustirc-bridge | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | runc | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | runc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | sash | glibc | 2.28-8 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | sash | zlib | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1 | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | scikit-learn | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | scummvm | fonts-freefont | 20120503-8 | 20120503-9 oldoldstable | sia | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | sisu-guice | asm | 6.0-1 | 7.0-1 oldoldstable | sisu-guice | cglib | 3.2.6-2 | 3.2.10-1 oldoldstable | six | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | slang2 | unicode-data | 11.0.0-1 | 12.1.0~pre1-2 oldoldstable | slinkwatch | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-magiconair-properties | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1+really1.8.0-1 oldoldstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | 1.2.0-1 | 1.4.0+really1.2.0-1 oldoldstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.2.1-1 | 1.2.2+really1.2.1-1 oldoldstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-spf13-jwalterweatherman | 1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 | 1.1.0+really1.0.0+git20181028.94f6ae3-1 oldoldstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-spf13-viper | 1.3.1-1 | 1.3.2+really1.3.1-1 oldoldstable | slinkwatch | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | sphinxcontrib-bibtex | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | sqlparse | sphinx | 1.7.8-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | sqwebmail-de | courier | 1.0.5-2 | 1.0.6-1 oldoldstable | stenographer | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | streamlink | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | syncthing | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1 | 0+git20181119.b36ad28-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | telegram-desktop | range-v3 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.4.0-2 oldoldstable | terminado | sphinx | 1.7.9-1 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | terminaltables | sphinx | 1.6.5-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | textql | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | tox | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | toxiproxy | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | toxiproxy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | tripwire | gcc-8 | 8.3.0-2 | 8.3.0-6 oldoldstable | tripwire | glibc | 2.28-8 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | umoci | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | user-mode-linux | linux | 4.19.194-1 | 4.19.249-2 oldoldstable | vuls | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | wagon | commons-io | 2.6-2 | 2.6-2+deb10u1 oldoldstable | wagon | httpcomponents-client | 4.5.7-1 | 4.5.7-1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | webhook | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | webhook | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.0~git20190412.9773273+really0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 oldoldstable | win32-loader | debian-archive-keyring | 2019.1 | 2019.1+deb10u1 oldoldstable | win32-loader | gnupg2 | 2.2.12-1 | 2.2.12-1+deb10u2 oldoldstable | win32-loader | grub2 | 2.02+dfsg1-20 | 2.06-3~deb10u1 oldoldstable | win32-loader | gzip | 1.9-3 | 1.9-3+deb10u1 oldoldstable | win32-loader | libgcrypt20 | 1.8.4-5 | 1.8.4-5+deb10u1 oldoldstable | wine-development | unicode-data | 12.0.0-1 | 12.1.0~pre1-2 oldoldstable | winrmcp | golang-1.11 | 1.11.5-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | wuzz | golang-1.11 | 1.11.6-1 | 1.11.6-1+deb10u4 oldoldstable | xonsh | sphinx | 1.8.3-2 | 1.8.4-1 oldoldstable | zsh | glibc | 2.28-10 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldoldstable | zutils | glibc | 2.28-8 | 2.28-10+deb10u1 oldstable | abydos | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | acmetool | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | age | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | ahven | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | aide | glibc | 2.31-13+deb11u6 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | aiorpcx | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | apt-listdifferences | colordiff | 1.0.18-1 | 1.0.18-1.1 oldstable | aptly | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | arduino-builder | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | autosuspend | sphinx | 1.8.5-5 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | badger | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | balboa | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | bash | glibc | 2.31-13+deb11u3 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | beignet | llvm-toolchain-9 | 1:9.0.1-16 | 1:9.0.1-16.1 oldstable | binutils-mingw-w64 | binutils | 2.35-2 | 2.35.2-2 oldstable | black | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | bottleneck | sphinx | 1.8.5-3 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | browserpass | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | burrow | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | busybox | glibc | 2.31-13 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | cadvisor | containerd | 1.4.5~ds1-2 | 1.4.13~ds1-1~deb11u4 oldstable | cadvisor | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | cadvisor | golang-github-opencontainers-specs | | oldstable | cadvisor | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | canid | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | cbor2 | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | cdebootstrap | glibc | 2.31-13 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | cdebootstrap | xz-utils | 5.2.5-2 | 5.2.5-2.1~deb11u1 oldstable | cdebootstrap | zlib | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2 | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2+deb11u2 oldstable | cdist | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | certspotter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | cfrpki | golang-1.15 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u2 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | cglib | asm | 7.0-1 | 9.1-1 oldstable | chasquid | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | chkrootkit | glibc | 2.31-13 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | ckbuilder | json-js | 0~20160510-1 | 0~20190826+~1.0.5-2 oldstable | clipman | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | cloudsql-proxy | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | codesearch | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | console-data | unicode-data | 12.1.0~pre1-2 | 13.0.0-2 oldstable | consul | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | consulfs | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | containerd | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u2 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | copyq | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | cross-toolchain-base | glibc | 2.31-9 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | cross-toolchain-base | linux | 5.10.13-1 | 5.10.209-2 oldstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | glibc | 2.31-11 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | linux | 5.10.28-1 | 5.10.209-2 oldstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | glibc | 2.31-9 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | linux | 5.10.13-1 | 5.10.209-2 oldstable | crowdsec | containerd | 1.4.5~ds1-2 | 1.4.13~ds1-1~deb11u4 oldstable | crowdsec | docker-registry | 2.7.1+ds2-7 | 2.7.1+ds2-7+deb11u1 oldstable | crowdsec | docker.io | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1 | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1+deb11u2 oldstable | crowdsec | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | csvkit | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | dar | glibc | 2.31-13 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | dar | zlib | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2 | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2+deb11u2 oldstable | dask | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | davix | sphinx | 3.4.2-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | dbus-python | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | debian-policy | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | debos | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | debsig-verify | dpkg | 1.20.9 | 1.20.13 oldstable | deck | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | deets | dpkg | 1.20.9 | 1.20.13 oldstable | delve | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | dh-make-golang | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | dh-virtualenv | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | dmarc-cat | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | dnss | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | docker.io | containerd | 1.4.13~ds1-1~deb11u2 | 1.4.13~ds1-1~deb11u4 oldstable | docker.io | docker-registry | 2.7.1+ds2-7 | 2.7.1+ds2-7+deb11u1 oldstable | docker.io | glibc | 2.31-13+deb11u3 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | docker.io | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u2 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | dune-grid-glue | doxygen | 1.8.20-4 | 1.9.1-1 oldstable | dynare | sphinx | 3.4.2-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | easygen | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | elvish | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | emd | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | espeakup | espeak-ng | 1.50+dfsg-7 | 1.50+dfsg-7+deb11u1 oldstable | etcd | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | ethflux | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | extra-cmake-modules | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | fastd | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | fdroidcl | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | fever | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | ffcvt | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | ffuf | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | flycheck | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | fontforge | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | form-history-control | datatables.js | 1.10.20+dfsg-1 | 1.10.21+dfsg-2+deb11u1 oldstable | fscrypt | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | fzf | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | g10k | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | garagemq | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gdb-mingw-w64 | gdb | 10.1-1 | 10.1-1.7 oldstable | gdu | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | geoalchemy2 | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | geoipupdate | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | ggd-utils | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | git-lfs | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | git-sizer | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gitbatch | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | go-exploitdb | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | go-md2man-v2 | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | go-mmproxy | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | go-mtpfs | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | go-qrcode | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gobgp | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gobuster | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gocryptfs | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | goiardi | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gokey | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-android-soong | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-bindata | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-ginkgo | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-appc-docker2aci | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-appc-spec | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-avast-apkverifier | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-axgle-mahonia | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-calmh-xdr | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-containernetworking-plugins | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | containerd | 1.4.5~ds1-2 | 1.4.13~ds1-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | docker-registry | 2.7.1+ds2-7 | 2.7.1+ds2-7+deb11u1 oldstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | docker.io | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1 | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1+deb11u2 oldstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-github-containers-common | 0.33.4+ds1-1 | 0.33.4+ds1-1+deb11u2 oldstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.24.8+dfsg1-1 | 1.24.8+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 oldstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-github-opencontainers-specs | | oldstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | golang-github-containers-dnsname | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-containers-storage | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u2 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-dataence-porter2 | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-dcso-bloom | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-eknkc-amber | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-evanw-esbuild | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-fernet-fernet-go | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-google-blueprint | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-google-wire | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-gucumber-gucumber | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-influxdata-tail | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-influxdata-yarpc | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-jouyouyun-hardware | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-mailru-easyjson | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-niklasfasching-go-org | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-odeke-em-ripper | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | containerd | 1.4.5~ds1-2 | 1.4.13~ds1-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | docker.io | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1 | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1+deb11u2 oldstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.24.8+dfsg1-1 | 1.24.8+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 oldstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-pointlander-peg | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-rakyll-statik | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-rsc-devweb | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-sebest-xff | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-spf13-cobra | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-tdewolff-minify | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-varlink-go | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-xenolf-lego | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-github-yosssi-ace | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-glide | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-gogoprotobuf | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-golang-x-exp | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-golang-x-net | publicsuffix | 20210108.1309-1 | 20220811.1734-0+deb11u1 oldstable | golang-golang-x-tools | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-google-protobuf | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-goprotobuf | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-pault-go-ykpiv | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golang-v2ray-core | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | golint | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gopass | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gortr | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gost | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gosu | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gosu | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | gotestsum | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | goval-dictionary | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | govendor | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gox | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | goxkcdpwgen | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gprbuild | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | gron | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | gsort | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | guice | asm | 9.0-1 | 9.1-1 oldstable | h5py | sphinx | 3.2.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | hcloud-cli | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | heartbleeder | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | hellfire | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | hey | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | hisat2 | simde | 0.7.2-3 | 0.7.2-4 oldstable | hub | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | hugo | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | influxdb | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | ipp-usb | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | ipywidgets | fonts-font-awesome | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4 | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4.1 oldstable | ipywidgets | jqueryui | 1.12.1+dfsg-8 | 1.12.1+dfsg-8+deb11u2 oldstable | ipywidgets | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | ipywidgets | underscore | 1.9.1~dfsg-1 | 1.9.1~dfsg-3 oldstable | irtt | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | jarjar | asm | 7.0-1 | 9.1-1 oldstable | jid | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | json2file-go | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | jupyter-client | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | jupyter-notebook | codemirror-js | 5.59.0+~cs0.23.105-1 | 5.59.2+~cs0.23.109-1 oldstable | jupyter-notebook | jqueryui | 1.12.1+dfsg-8 | 1.12.1+dfsg-8+deb11u2 oldstable | jupyter-notebook | node-moment | 2.29.1+ds-2 | 2.29.1+ds-2+deb11u2 oldstable | jupyter-notebook | node-xterm | 3.8.1-4 | 3.8.1+~cs0.9.0-1 oldstable | jupyter-notebook | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | jupyter-notebook | underscore | 1.9.1~dfsg-1 | 1.9.1~dfsg-3 oldstable | kcptun | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | keepassxc-browser | node-jquery | 3.5.1+dfsg+~3.5.5-4 | 3.5.1+dfsg+~3.5.5-7 oldstable | keepassxc-browser | twitter-bootstrap4 | 4.5.2+dfsg1-4 | 4.5.2+dfsg1-8~deb11u1 oldstable | kel-agent | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | khmer | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | kitty | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | kubecolor | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | libaunit | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | libaws | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | libcork | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | libcorkipset | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | libgnatcoll | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | libgnatcoll-db | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | libgpuarray | sphinx | 1.8.5-5 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | liborcus | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | libpdfbox-java | htmldoc | 1.9.3-1 | 1.9.11-4+deb11u3 oldstable | libpdfbox-java | poppler-data | 0.4.9-2 | 0.4.10-1 oldstable | libpod | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u2 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | libtemplates-parser | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | libxmlada | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | links2 | publicsuffix | 20210108.1309-1 | 20220811.1734-0+deb11u1 oldstable | linux-signed-amd64 | linux | 5.10.197-1 | 5.10.209-2 oldstable | linux-signed-arm64 | linux | 5.10.197-1 | 5.10.209-2 oldstable | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 5.10.197-1 | 5.10.209-2 oldstable | lltsv | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | lookatme | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | mender-cli | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | mender-client | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | micro | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | minica | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | mksh | linux | 5.10.46-4 | 5.10.209-2 oldstable | mockery | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | mopidy | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | mopidy-dleyna | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | mopidy-podcast | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | morty | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | mtail | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | mutagen | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | mypy | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | nbclient | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | nbconvert | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | nbformat | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | nbsphinx | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins | sphinx | 1.8.5-3 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | notary | docker-registry | 2.7.1+ds2-7 | 2.7.1+ds2-7+deb11u1 oldstable | notary | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | obfs4proxy | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | oci-image-tools | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | oci-image-tools | golang-github-opencontainers-specs | | oldstable | ocrmypdf | sphinx | 2.4.3-4 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | opensmtpd-filter-rspamd | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | opensmtpd-filter-senderscore | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | opgpcard | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | orthanc-dicomweb | orthanc | 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1 | 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1 oldstable | orthanc-webviewer | orthanc | 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1 | 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1 oldstable | orthanc-wsi | orthanc | 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1 | 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1 oldstable | osmnx | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | packer | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | panicparse | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | pebble | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | peco | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | pk4 | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | pmemkv-python | sphinx | 1.8.5-8 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pocl | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pollen | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus | containerd | 1.4.5~ds1-2 | 1.4.13~ds1-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus | docker-registry | 2.7.1+ds2-7 | 2.7.1+ds2-7+deb11u1 oldstable | prometheus | docker.io | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1 | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1+deb11u2 oldstable | prometheus | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.5.1-2 | 0.5.1-2+deb11u2 oldstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.5.1-2 | 0.5.1-2+deb11u2 oldstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.5.1-2 | 0.5.1-2+deb11u2 oldstable | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-smokeping-prober | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | pt-websocket | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | pup | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | py-stringmatching | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pyasn1 | sphinx | 2.4.3-4 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pybind11 | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pybtex | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pybtex-docutils | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pycairo | sphinx | 2.4.3-4 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pyliblo | sphinx | 1.8.5-5 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pysoundfile | sphinx | 1.8.5-4 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pytest | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pytest-dependency | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pytest-qt | sphinx | 3.4.2-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-agate | sphinx | 3.2.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-agate-dbf | sphinx | 1.5.6-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-agate-excel | sphinx | 1.8.5-3 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-agate-sql | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-aioresponses | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-ase | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-async-generator | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-cryptography | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-dbfread | sphinx | 1.8.5-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-dtcwt | sphinx | 1.8.5-3 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-duniterpy | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-hypothesis | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-imageio | alabaster | 0.7.8-1 | 0.7.8-1.1 oldstable | python-imageio | sphinx | 1.8.5-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-jsonrpc | sphinx | 2.4.3-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-latexcodec | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-leather | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-libdiscid | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-m2r | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-maxminddb | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-midiutil | sphinx | 1.8.5-5 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-mpd | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-musicpd | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-opentracing | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-prov | sphinx | 1.8.5-3 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-ptk | sphinx | 3.2.1-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-pybedtools | sphinx | 2.4.3-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-pyepsg | sphinx | 1.8.5-3 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-pymeasure | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-qtawesome | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-rpaths | sphinx | 3.4.2-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-screed | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-skbio | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-sybil | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-testfixtures | sphinx | 2.4.3-4 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-uritools | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | python-xarray | sphinx | 3.4.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pythondialog | sphinx | 2.4.3-4 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | pyzo | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | qemu | glib2.0 | 2.66.8-1 | 2.66.8-1+deb11u1 oldstable | qemu | glibc | 2.31-13+deb11u6 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | qemu | gnutls28 | 3.7.1-5+deb11u3 | 3.7.1-5+deb11u4 oldstable | quart | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | ratt | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | rawdns | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | rclone | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | rdflib | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | reflex | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | reposurgeon | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | residualvm | fonts-freefont | 20120503-9 | 20120503-10 oldstable | restic | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | robustirc-bridge | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | rootlesskit | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | rsyslog-doc | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | sash | glibc | 2.31-13 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | sash | zlib | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2 | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2+deb11u2 oldstable | scikit-learn | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | secsipidx | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | seqkit | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | shasta | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | shoelaces | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | sia | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | signond | doxygen | 1.8.20-4 | 1.9.1-1 oldstable | skopeo | containerd | 1.4.5~ds1-2 | 1.4.13~ds1-1~deb11u4 oldstable | skopeo | docker-registry | 2.7.1+ds2-7 | 2.7.1+ds2-7+deb11u1 oldstable | skopeo | docker.io | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1 | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1+deb11u2 oldstable | skopeo | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | skopeo | golang-github-containers-common | 0.33.4+ds1-1 | 0.33.4+ds1-1+deb11u2 oldstable | skopeo | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.24.8+dfsg1-1 | 1.24.8+dfsg1-1+deb11u1 oldstable | skopeo | golang-github-opencontainers-specs | | oldstable | skopeo | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | slinkwatch | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | sortedcontainers | alabaster | 0.7.8-1 | 0.7.8-1.1 oldstable | sortedcontainers | sphinx | 1.8.5-4 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | sphinx-argparse | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | sphinxcontrib-bibtex | sphinx | 2.4.3-2 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | sqlparse | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | sqwebmail-de | courier | 1.0.5-2 | 1.0.16-3 oldstable | sshesame | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | stenographer | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | streamlink | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | supermin | glibc | 2.31-13 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | syncthing | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | syslinux | gnu-efi | 3.0.9-1 | 3.0.9-2 oldstable | terminado | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | terminaltables | sphinx | 1.8.5-3 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | termshark | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | termshark | golang-github-pkg-term | 1.1.0-3 | 1.1.0-4~deb11u1 oldstable | textql | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | tox | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | tripwire | glibc | 2.31-13 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | tty-share | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | umoci | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | umoci | golang-github-opencontainers-specs | | oldstable | umoci | runc | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5 | 1.0.0~rc93+ds1-5+deb11u3 oldstable | urlwatch | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | user-mode-linux | linux | 5.10.46-4 | 5.10.209-2 oldstable | vcfanno | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | victoriametrics | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | vip-manager | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | vuls | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | wagon | commons-io | 2.6-2 | 2.8.0-1 oldstable | wagon | httpcomponents-client | 4.5.11-1 | 4.5.13-2 oldstable | wagon | httpcomponents-core | 4.4.13-1 | 4.4.14-1 oldstable | wagon | libcommons-codec-java | 1.14-1 | 1.15-1 oldstable | webhook | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | websocketd | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | win32-loader | grub2 | 2.04-12 | 2.06-3~deb11u6 oldstable | winrmcp | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | wuzz | golang-1.15 | 1.15.9-6 | 1.15.15-1~deb11u4 oldstable | xonsh | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | xrootd | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | yara | sphinx | 3.4.3-1 | 3.4.3-2 oldstable | zsh | glibc | 2.31-13+deb11u2 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 oldstable | zsh | ncurses | 6.2+20201114-2 | 6.2+20201114-2+deb11u2 oldstable | zutils | glibc | 2.31-13 | 2.31-13+deb11u8 proposed-updates | linux-signed-amd64 | linux | 6.1.82-1 | 6.1.85-1 proposed-updates | linux-signed-arm64 | linux | 6.1.82-1 | 6.1.85-1 proposed-updates | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.1.82-1 | 6.1.85-1 proposed-updates | user-mode-linux | linux | 6.1.82-1 | 6.1.85-1 stable | abydos | sphinx | 4.3.1-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | aiorpcx | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | autosuspend | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | bash | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | beanbag-docutils | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | bottleneck | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | bugwarrior | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | busybox | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | cairocffi | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | cbor2 | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | cdebootstrap | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | cdist | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | cglib | asm | 9.3-1 | 9.4-1 stable | chkrootkit | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | consfigurator | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | console-data | unicode-data | 14.0.0-1 | 15.0.0-1 stable | containerd | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | copyq | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | cross-toolchain-base | glibc | 2.36-8 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | cross-toolchain-base | linux | 6.1.4-1 | 6.1.76-1 stable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | glibc | 2.36-8 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | linux | 6.1.8-1 | 6.1.76-1 stable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | glibc | 2.36-8 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | linux | 6.1.4-1 | 6.1.76-1 stable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | crowdsec | 1.4.6-4 | 1.4.6-6~deb12u1 stable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | crowdsec | 1.4.6-4 | 1.4.6-6~deb12u1 stable | csvkit | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | dar | glibc | 2.36-9+deb12u1 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | davix | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | dbus-python | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | debian-policy | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | dh-virtualenv | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | django-guardian | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | docker.io | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | docker.io | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | domain2idna | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | dotty-dict | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | extra-cmake-modules | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | fabric | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | fastd | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | flufl.lock | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | fontforge | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | form-history-control | datatables.js | 1.10.20+dfsg-1 | 1.11.5+dfsg-2 stable | form-history-control | node-jquery-mousewheel | 1:3.1.13-2 | 1:3.1.13-5 stable | gcc-11-cross | gcc-11 | 11.3.0-11 | 11.3.0-12 stable | gcc-11-cross-mipsen | gcc-11 | 11.3.0-8 | 11.3.0-12 stable | gcc-12-cross-ports | gcc-12 | 12.2.0-13 | 12.2.0-14 stable | gcc-mingw-w64 | gcc-12 | 12.2.0-13 | 12.2.0-14 stable | gdb-mingw-w64 | gdb | 10.1-2 | 13.1-3 stable | gi-docgen | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | golang-github-containers-buildah | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | golang-github-containers-storage | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | gosu | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | guice | asm | 9.0-1 | 9.4-1 stable | guice | cglib | 3.2.12-1 | 3.3.0-1 stable | h5py | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | hisat2 | simde | 0.7.2-6 | 0.7.4~rc2-2 stable | intake | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | ipywidgets | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | jupyter-console | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | jupyter-core | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | keepassxc-browser | bootstrap-html | 5.2.3+dfsg-7 | 5.2.3+dfsg-8 stable | khmer | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | libcbor | sphinx | 4.2.0-5 | 5.3.0-4 stable | libcork | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | libcorkipset | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | libevdev | doxygen | 1.9.4-2 | 1.9.4-4 stable | libgpuarray | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | liborcus | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | libpdfbox-java | htmldoc | 1.9.3-1 | 1.9.16-1 stable | libpdfbox-java | poppler-data | 0.4.9-2 | 0.4.12-1 stable | libpod | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | libvigraimpex | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | linux-signed-amd64 | linux | 6.1.66-1 | 6.1.76-1 stable | linux-signed-arm64 | linux | 6.1.66-1 | 6.1.76-1 stable | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.1.66-1 | 6.1.76-1 stable | lmfit-py | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | lmod | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | lookatme | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | mash | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | mercurial-evolve | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | mir-eval | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | mopidy | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | mopidy-podcast | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | mumax3 | golang-1.19 | 1.19.4-1 | 1.19.8-2 stable | mutagen | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | mypy | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | nbformat | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | nbsphinx | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | nipy | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins | sphinx | 4.2.0-5 | 5.3.0-4 stable | ocrmypdf | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | opgpcard | alabaster | 0.7.8-1.1 | 0.7.12-1 stable | opgpcard | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | orthanc-dicomweb | orthanc | 1.10.1+dfsg-2 | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 stable | orthanc-gdcm | orthanc | 1.10.1+dfsg-2 | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 stable | orthanc-mysql | orthanc | 1.10.1+dfsg-2 | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 stable | orthanc-neuro | orthanc | 1.10.1+dfsg-2 | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 stable | orthanc-postgresql | orthanc | 1.10.1+dfsg-2 | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 stable | orthanc-python | orthanc | 1.10.1+dfsg-2 | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 stable | orthanc-webviewer | orthanc | 1.10.1+dfsg-2 | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 stable | orthanc-wsi | orthanc | 1.10.1+dfsg-2 | 1.10.1+dfsg-2+deb12u1 stable | panoramisk | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pelican | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pexpect | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | phcpack | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pikepdf | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pocl | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pyasn1 | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pybind11 | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pybtex | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pycairo | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pyliblo | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pylint | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pymediainfo | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pyrcb2 | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pysoundfile | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pytest-dependency | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pytest-mpi | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pytest-order | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-agate | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-agate-dbf | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-agate-sql | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-aioresponses | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-aiortc | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-ase | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-async-generator | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-babel | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-can | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-cryptography | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-dbfread | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-dtcwt | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-duniterpy | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-imageio | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-intbitset | sphinx | 4.2.0-5 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-jsonrpc | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-latexcodec | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-leather | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-libdiscid | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-maxminddb | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-midiutil | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-mockito | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-mpd | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-musicpd | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-peachpy | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-prov | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-ptk | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-public | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-pybedtools | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-pyepsg | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-pymeasure | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-rpaths | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-scrapy | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-screed | sphinx | 4.3.1-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-semantic-release | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-skbio | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-sybil | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-uritools | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-xarray | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | python-zstandard | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pythondialog | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | pyzo | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | qemu | glibc | 2.36-9+deb12u3 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | rdflib | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | rsyslog-doc | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sagemath | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sash | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | scikit-build | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | scikit-learn | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | shasta | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | signond | doxygen | 1.9.1-2 | 1.9.4-4 stable | six | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | skeema | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | skimage | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | skopeo | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | sortedcontainers | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sphinx-argparse | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sphinx-inline-tabs | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sphinx-multiversion | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sphinxcontrib-bibtex | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sqlite-utils | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sqlparse | sphinx | 4.3.1-1 | 5.3.0-4 stable | sqwebmail-de | courier | 1.0.5-2 | 1.0.16-3 stable | streamlink | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | supermin | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | syslinux | gnu-efi | 3.0.9-1 | 3.0.15-1 stable | terminado | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | terminaltables | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | termshark | wormhole-william | 1.0.6-2 | 1.0.6-2+deb12u1 stable | tripwire | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable | tt-rss | prototypejs | 1.7.1-3.1 | 1.7.3-1 stable | tuiwidgets | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | umoci | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1 stable | user-mode-linux | linux | 6.1.27-1 | 6.1.76-1 stable | votca | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | win32-loader | grub2 | 2.06-2 | 2.06-13+deb12u1 stable | xonsh | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 5.3.0-4 stable | xrootd | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | xtensor | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | xtensor-blas | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 5.3.0-4 stable | yara | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 5.3.0-4 stable | zsh | glibc | 2.36-9 | 2.36-9+deb12u4 stable-backports | dar | curl | 7.88.1-10+deb12u3 | 8.5.0-2~bpo12+1 stable-backports | dar | curl | 7.88.1-10+deb12u4 | 8.5.0-2~bpo12+1 stable-backports | git-credential-oauth | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | glab | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | glab | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.4.0+ds1-1 | 1.10.0+ds1-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | glab | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.17-1 | 0.0.20-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | glab | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.3.0-1 | 0.15.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | glab | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | go-containerregistry | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | go-containerregistry | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc2-3 | 1.1.0~rc4-3~bpo12+1 stable-backports | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.3.0-1 | 0.15.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | go-sendxmpp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-2~bpo12+1 | 1.21.8-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | go-sendxmpp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-github-opencontainers-selinux | 1.10.0+ds1-1 | 1.11.0+ds1-2~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-toml | 1.2.0-2 | 1.3.2-2~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-go-jose-go-jose | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-2~bpo12+1 | 1.21.8-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-segmentio-ksuid | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-1.21 | 1.21.0-1~bpo12+1 | 1.21.8-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20221028.83b7d23-2 | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | gomuks | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | gomuks | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.4.0+ds1-1 | 1.10.0+ds1-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | gomuks | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | gomuks | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | hjson-go | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | incus | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-2~bpo12+1 | 1.21.8-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | incus | golang-github-cenkalti-rpc2 | 1.0.2-1~bpo12+1 | 1.0.3-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | incus | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | incus | golang-github-gorilla-securecookie | 1.1.1-2 | 1.1.2-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | incus | golang-github-zitadel-oidc | 2.6.3-2~bpo12+1 | 2.12.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | incus | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.3.0-1 | 0.15.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | incus | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | lazarus | fpc | 3.2.2+dfsg-20 | 3.2.2+dfsg-32~bpo12+1 stable-backports | linux-signed-amd64 | linux | 6.5.3-1~bpo12+1 | 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | linux-signed-amd64 | linux | 6.5.10-1~bpo12+1 | 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | linux-signed-arm64 | linux | 6.5.3-1~bpo12+1 | 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | linux-signed-arm64 | linux | 6.5.10-1~bpo12+1 | 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.5.3-1~bpo12+1 | 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.5.10-1~bpo12+1 | 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-gorilla-securecookie | 1.1.1-2 | 1.1.2-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nncp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.0-1~bpo12+1 | 1.21.8-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nncp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1~bpo12+1 | 1.21.8-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nncp | golang-github-arceliar-ironwood | 0.0~git20231028.ceac995-4~bpo12+1 | 0.0~git20240115.ddd1fa6-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nncp | golang-github-arceliar-ironwood | 0.0~git20231127.465b82d-2~bpo12+1 | 0.0~git20240115.ddd1fa6-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nncp | golang-github-bits-and-blooms-bitset | 1.2.2-1 | 1.5.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nncp | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20221028.83b7d23-2 | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nncp | yggdrasil | 0.5.4-1~bpo12+1 | 0.5.5-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | nncp | yggdrasil | 0.5.4-3~bpo12+1 | 0.5.5-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | sigsum-go | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | stayrtr | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | stayrtr | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | umoci | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | umoci | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.17-1 | 0.0.20-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | umoci | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | wireguard-go | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.13.0-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | xmpp-dns | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | yggdrasil | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1~bpo12+1 | 1.21.8-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20221028.83b7d23-2 | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1~bpo12+1 stable-backports | zabbix | golang-1.19 | 1.19.8-2 | 1.19.13-1~bpo12+1 testing | abpoa | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | abydos | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | acmetool | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | acmetool | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | acmetool | golang-github-jmhodges-clock | 1.0-3.1 | 1.1-1 testing | acmetool | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | acmetool | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | acmetool | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | acmetool | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | aerc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | aerc | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | aerc | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | aerc | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.15.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | aerc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | aerc | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | aerc | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | aerc | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.18.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | age | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | age | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | age | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | age | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | ahven | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | aiorpcx | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | alertmanager-irc-relay | prometheus-alertmanager | 0.26.0+ds-1 | 0.27.0+ds-2 testing | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go-v2 | 1.17.8-1 | 1.24.1-2 testing | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-github-aws-smithy-go | 1.13.3-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | amfora | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | amfora | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | amfora | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | amfora | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | amfora | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | amfora | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | amfora | golang-github-schollz-progressbar | 3.8.2-1 | 3.14.1-1 testing | amfora | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | amfora | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | amfora | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | amfora | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | amfora | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | amfora | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | amfora | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | android-platform-build-kati | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | android-platform-build-kati | golang-glog | 0.0~git20160126.23def4e-5 | 1.1.2-1 testing | aptly | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | aptly | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 testing | aptly | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | aptly | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | aptly | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | aptly | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | aptly | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | aptly | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | aptly | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | aptly | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | aptly | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | aptly | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | aptly | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | aptly | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | arduino-builder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | aspell-sk | libreoffice-dictionaries | 1:7.5.0-1 | 1:24.2.2-1 testing | autosuspend | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | aws-nuke | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | aws-nuke | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.45.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 testing | aws-nuke | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | aws-nuke | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | aws-nuke | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | aws-nuke | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | aws-nuke | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | badger | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | badger | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | badger | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.10.0-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | badger | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | badger | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.8.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | badger | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | balboa | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | balboa | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | balboa | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | balboa | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | balboa | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | balboa | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | balloon | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | bankstown-lv2 | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | bash | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-15 testing | beanbag-docutils | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | bettercap | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | bettercap | golang-github-antchfx-jsonquery | 1.3.2-1 | 1.3.4-1 testing | bettercap | golang-github-antchfx-xpath | 1.1.2-2 | 1.3.0-1 testing | bettercap | golang-github-google-go-github | 48.1.0-2 | 60.0.0-1 testing | bettercap | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 testing | bettercap | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 testing | bettercap | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | bettercap | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | bettercap | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | bettercap | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | bettercap | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | bettercap | gopacket | 1.1.19-3 | 1.1.19-6 testing | binutils-arm-none-eabi | binutils | | 2.42-4 testing | binutils-mipsen | binutils | | 2.42-4 testing | binutils-or1k-elf | binutils | | 2.42-4 testing | binutils-riscv64-unknown-elf | binutils | 2.41-4 | 2.42-4 testing | binutils-sh-elf | binutils | 2.40-2 | 2.42-4 testing | binutils-xtensa | binutils | 2.41-6 | 2.42-4 testing | binutils-z80 | binutils | 2.40-2 | 2.42-4 testing | bombadillo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | bottleneck | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | bowtie2 | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | browserpass | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | browserpass | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | btm | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 testing | burrow | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | burrow | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | burrow | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | burrow | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | burrow | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | burrow | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | burrow | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | busybox | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-15 testing | bwa | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | c2go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | c2go | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | caddy | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | caddy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-coreos-bbolt | 1.3.6-2 | 1.3.8-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-go-kit-kit | 0.10.0-5 | 0.10.0-6 testing | caddy | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 testing | caddy | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.5-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go | 0.37.4-1 | 0.38.2-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-smallstep-cli | 0.15.16+ds-3 | 0.15.16+ds-4 testing | caddy | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | caddy | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.5.6-1 | 1.7.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1 | 0.0~git20231006.7918f67-1 testing | caddy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | caddy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | caddy | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | caddy | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 testing | cairocffi | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | canid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | cbor2 | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 testing | cdebootstrap | bzip2 | 1.0.8-5 | 1.0.8-5.1 testing | cdebootstrap | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-15 testing | cdebootstrap | xz-utils | 5.4.4-0.1 | 5.6.1+really5.4.5-1 testing | cdebootstrap | zlib | 1:1.2.13.dfsg-3 | 1:1.3.dfsg-3 testing | cdist | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | certinfo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | cglib | asm | 9.3-1 | 9.7-1 testing | chasquid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | chasquid | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | chasquid | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | chasquid | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | chasquid | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | chasquid | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | chasquid | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | checkpolicy | libsepol | 3.5-1 | 3.5-2 testing | chkrootkit | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-15 testing | cliphist | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | cliphist | golang-github-coreos-bbolt | 1.3.6-2 | 1.3.8-1 testing | cliphist | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | clipman | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | cloudsql-proxy | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 testing | cloudsql-proxy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | cloudsql-proxy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | cloudsql-proxy | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | cobra-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | cobra-cli | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | cobra-cli | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | cobra-cli | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | cobra-cli | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | cobra-cli | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | cobra-cli | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | cobra-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | cobra-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | codesearch | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | consfigurator | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | console-data | unicode-data | 14.0.0-1 | 15.1.0-1 testing | containerd | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | containerd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | containerd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | containerd | golang-github-containers-ocicrypt | 1.1.7-2 | 1.1.9-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | containerd | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.14.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.17.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | containerd | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.4.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | containerd | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | containerd | golang-k8s-sigs-structured-merge-diff | 4.1.2+ds1-2 | 4.4.1+ds1-1 testing | containerd | runc | 1.1.10+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | copyq | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | courier-unicode | unicode-data | 15.0.0-1 | 15.1.0-1 testing | cross-toolchain-base | binutils | 2.41-6 | 2.42-4 testing | cross-toolchain-base | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-11 | 12.3.0-14 testing | cross-toolchain-base | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-15 testing | cross-toolchain-base | linux | 6.5.8-1 | 6.6.15-2 testing | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | binutils | | 2.42-4 testing | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-15 testing | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | linux | 6.6.11-1 | 6.6.15-2 testing | cross-toolchain-base-ports | binutils | 2.41-6 | 2.42-4 testing | cross-toolchain-base-ports | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-11 | 12.3.0-14 testing | cross-toolchain-base-ports | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-15 testing | cross-toolchain-base-ports | linux | 6.5.8-1 | 6.6.15-2 testing | crowdsec | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | crowdsec | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | crowdsec | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | crowdsec | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | crowdsec | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | crowdsec | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.15.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | crowdsec | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | crowdsec | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | crowdsec | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | crowdsec | 1.4.6-6 | 1.4.6-7 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer | 1:0.19.6-1 | 1:0.20.2-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-go-openapi-swag | 1:0.22.4-1 | 1:0.22.8-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-mongodb-mongo-driver | 1.12.1+ds1-1 | 1.12.1+ds1-2 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | crowdsec | 1.4.6-6 | 1.4.6-7 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer | 1:0.19.6-1 | 1:0.20.2-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-go-openapi-swag | 1:0.22.4-1 | 1:0.22.8-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-mongodb-mongo-driver | 1.12.1+ds1-1 | 1.12.1+ds1-2 testing | dar | bzip2 | 1.0.8-5 | 1.0.8-5.1 testing | dar | curl | 8.4.0-2 | 8.5.0-2 testing | dar | curl | 8.5.0-1 | 8.5.0-2 testing | dar | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-15 testing | dar | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-15 testing | dar | libcap2 | 1:2.66-4 | 1:2.66-5 testing | dar | lz4 | 1.9.4-1 | 1.9.4-2 testing | dar | openssl | 3.1.4-2 | 3.1.5-1 testing | davix | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | dbus-fast | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | dbus-python | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | debos | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | debos | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | 0.0.7-1 | 0.0.9-1 testing | debos | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | debos | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | debos | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | debsig-verify | dpkg | 1.22.0 | 1.22.4 testing | deck | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | deck | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | deck | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | deck | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 testing | deck | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | deck | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | deck | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | deck | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | deck | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | deck | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | deck | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | deck | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | deck | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | deets | dpkg | 1.21.22 | 1.22.4 testing | delve | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | delve | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | delve | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | direnv | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | direnv | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | direnv | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | direnv | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | direnv | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 testing | distrobuilder | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | 1.3.0-2 | 1.3.1-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-github-antchfx-xpath | 1.1.2-2 | 1.3.0-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-github-google-go-github | 48.1.0-2 | 60.0.0-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-github-zitadel-oidc | 2.6.3-2 | 2.12.0-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | distrobuilder | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | distrobuilder | runc | 1.1.12+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | django-guardian | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | dmarc-cat | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | dmarc-cat | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-github-dchest-safefile | 0.0~git20151022.0.855e8d9-1.1 | 0.0~git20151022.0.855e8d9-2 testing | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | dnss | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | dnss | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | dnss | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | dnss | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.45.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-bugsnag-bugsnag-go | 1.7.0-2 | 2.2.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-gorilla-handlers | 1.5.1-3 | 1.5.2-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | 1.11.0-1 | 1.12.0-3 testing | docker-registry | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | docker-registry | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | docker-registry | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | docker-registry | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | docker.io | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 testing | docker.io | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-15 testing | docker.io | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | docker.io | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 testing | docker.io | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | docker.io | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.0-2 testing | docker.io | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | docker.io | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | docker.io | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | docker.io | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | docker.io | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | docker.io | runc | 1.1.10+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | domain2idna | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | dotty-dict | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | duf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | duf | golang-github-iglou-eu-go-wildcard | 2.0.1-1 | 2.0.2-1 testing | duf | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | duf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | duf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | dune-geometry | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 testing | dune-istl | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 testing | dune-localfunctions | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 testing | dune-typetree | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 testing | easygen | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | easygen | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | efm-langserver | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | elvish | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 testing | elvish | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | emd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | emptty | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | espeakup | sonic | 0.2.0-12 | 0.2.0-13 testing | etcd | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | etcd | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 testing | etcd | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | etcd | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | etcd | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 testing | etcd | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | etcd | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | etcd | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | etcd | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | etcd | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | ethflux | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ethflux | golang-github-dcso-fluxline | 0.0~git20200907.78686e5-3 | 0.0~git20200907.78686e5-4 testing | ethflux | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | examl | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | extra-cmake-modules | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | fabric | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 7.2.6-6 testing | fastd | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | fever | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | fever | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | fever | golang-github-dcso-fluxline | 0.0~git20200907.78686e5-3 | 0.0~git20200907.78686e5-4 testing | fever | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | fever | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | fever | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | fever | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | fever | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | fever | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | ffcvt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ffuf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ffuf | golang-github-ffuf-pencode | 0.3-3 | 0.4-1 testing | ffuf | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.17.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | flask-restful | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 testing | flufl.lock | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | fntsample | unicode-data | 15.0.0-1 | 15.1.0-1 testing | fontforge | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | form-history-control | datatables.js | 1.10.20+dfsg-1 | 1.11.5+dfsg-2 testing | form-history-control | node-jquery-mousewheel | 1:3.1.13-2 | 1:3.1.13-5 testing | fscrypt | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | fscrypt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | fscrypt | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | fscrypt | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | fscrypt | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | fzf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | fzf | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.4.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | fzf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | fzf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | g10k | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | garagemq | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | garagemq | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | garagemq | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | garagemq | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | garagemq | golang-github-tidwall-gjson | 1.14.4-2 | 1.17.1-1 testing | garagemq | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | garagemq | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | garagemq | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | garagemq | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | garagemq | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | gcc-11-cross | gcc-11 | 11.4.0-5 | 11.4.0-9 testing | gcc-11-cross-mipsen | gcc-11 | 11.4.0-2 | 11.4.0-9 testing | gcc-11-cross-ports | gcc-11 | 11.4.0-5 | 11.4.0-9 testing | gcc-12-cross | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-11 | 12.3.0-14 testing | gcc-12-cross-mipsen | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-6 | 12.3.0-14 testing | gcc-12-cross-ports | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-11 | 12.3.0-14 testing | gcc-13-cross | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-12 | 13.2.0-13 testing | gcc-13-cross-mipsen | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-10 | 13.2.0-13 testing | gcc-14-cross | gcc-14 | 14-20240127-1 | 14-20240201-3 testing | gcc-bpf | gcc-14 | 14-20240127-1 | 14-20240201-3 testing | gcc-mingw-w64 | gcc-12 | 12.2.0-13 | 12.3.0-14 testing | gcc-mingw-w64 | gcc-12 | 12.2.0-14 | 12.3.0-14 testing | gcc-or1k-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-2 | 13.2.0-13 testing | gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-10 | 13.2.0-13 testing | gcc-sh-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-1 | 13.2.0-13 testing | gcc-sh-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-2 | 13.2.0-13 testing | gcc-xtensa | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-5 | 13.2.0-13 testing | gcc-xtensa | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-6 | 13.2.0-13 testing | gdu | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gdu | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gdu | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gdu | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | ggd-utils | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ggd-utils | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | ggd-utils | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 testing | gi-docgen | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | gifwrap | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gifwrap | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | git-credential-azure | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | git-credential-azure | golang-github-cli-browser | 1.2.0-1 | 1.3.0-1 testing | git-credential-azure | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | git-credential-oauth | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | git-delta | rust-palette | 0.7.3+dfsg-2 | 0.7.5-1 testing | git-delta | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | git-lfs | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | git-lfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | git-sizer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | git-sizer | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config | 1.0-2 | 1.2.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | gitlab-shell | gitaly | 16.6.5+ds1-7 | 16.8.2+ds3-2 testing | gitlab-shell | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gitlab-shell | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | gitlab-shell | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | gitlab-shell | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | gitlab-shell | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gitlab-shell | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | gitleaks | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | glab | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | gnss-share | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | go-mmproxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | go-mtpfs | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | go-mtpfs | golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse | 2.1.0+git20220822.58a7e14-1 | 2.4.2-2 testing | go-mtpfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | go-qrcode | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | go-rpmdb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | go-rpmdb | golang-golang-x-xerrors | 0.0~git20200804.5ec99f8-1 | 0.0~git20231012.104605a-1 testing | go-sendxmpp | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | gobgp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gobgp | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | gobgp | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | gobgp | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | gobgp | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | gobgp | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | gobgp | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | gobgp | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | gobgp | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | 1.12.0-1 | 1.12.0-3 testing | gobgp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | gobgp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gobgp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | gobuster | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gobuster | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | gobuster | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | gobuster | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | gobuster | golang-github-pin-tftp | 3.0.0-1 | 3.1.0-1 testing | gobuster | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | gobuster | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | gobuster | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | gobuster | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gobuster | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gocc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gocc | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | gocryptfs | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gocryptfs | golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse | 2.1.0+git20220822.58a7e14-1 | 2.4.2-2 testing | gocryptfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | gocryptfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gocryptfs | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | goiardi | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | goiardi | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 testing | goiardi | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 testing | goiardi | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | goiardi | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | goiardi | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | goiardi | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gokey | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gokey | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | gokey | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gokey | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-android-soong | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-bindata | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-connectrpc-connect | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-connectrpc-connect | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-connectrpc-connect | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-connectrpc-connect | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | 1.1.6-1 | 1.1.9-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-github-avast-apkverifier | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-axgle-mahonia | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-github-gorilla-css | 1.0.0-3 | 1.0.1-1 testing | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 testing | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.4.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-cavaliergopher-grab | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.48.1+ds1-2 | 1.51.0+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.50.2+ds1-2 | 1.51.0+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-3 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-4 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-github-jmhodges-clock | 1.0-3.1 | 1.1-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-github-hashicorp-go-uuid | 1.0.2-2 | 1.0.3-1 testing | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | containerd | 1.6.20~ds1-2 | 1.6.24~ds1-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-coreos-bbolt | 1.3.6-2 | 1.3.8-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse | 2.1.0+git20220822.58a7e14-1 | 2.4.2-2 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-gogottrpc | 1.1.1-1 | 1.1.2-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-containernetworking-plugins | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-containernetworking-plugins | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | golang-github-containernetworking-plugins | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-github-containers-common | 0.57.2+ds1-2 | 0.57.4+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-github-containers-buildah | runc | 1.1.12+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-containers-dnsname | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-containers-dnsname | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-github-aead-serpent | 0.1-1 | 0.1-2 testing | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-containers-storage | runc | 1.1.10+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.18~ds1-1 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 testing | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-crc-org-crc | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | golang-github-dataence-porter2 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-dcso-bloom | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | golang-github-dcso-bloom | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-dcso-bloom | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-eknkc-amber | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth | golang-github-emersion-go-message | 0.15.0-1 | 0.17.0-1 testing | golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-evanw-esbuild | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | golang-github-fernet-fernet-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-ffuf-pencode | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-glendc-go-external-ip | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.3-1 | 1.3.7-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-go-git-go-billy | 5.3.1-3 | 5.5.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-go-git-go-git | 5.4.2-3 | 5.4.2-4 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config | 1.0-2 | 1.2.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1 | 0.0~git20231006.7918f67-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-gonum-v1-gonum | 0.14.0-1 | 0.15.0-2 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.6-1 | 1.3.7-1 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-go-git-go-billy | 5.3.1-3 | 5.5.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config | 1.0-2 | 1.2.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | 1.11.0-1 | 1.12.0-3 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-go-jose-go-jose | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | golang-github-go-jose-go-jose | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.5.6-1 | 1.7.0-1 testing | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-3 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-google-blueprint | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-google-wire | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-google-wire | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-github-google-wire | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-google-wire | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-github-googleapis-enterprise-certificate-proxy | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-gucumber-gucumber | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-github-armon-go-radix | 1.0.0-2 | 1.0.0+git20221118.54df44f-1 testing | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-github-hhatto-gorst | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-github-inetaf-tcpproxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-influxdata-yarpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-mailru-easyjson | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.5-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-google-api | 0.61.0-1 | 0.61.0-4 testing | golang-github-micromdm-scep | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-micromdm-scep | golang-github-go-kit-kit | 0.10.0-5 | 0.10.0-6 testing | golang-github-micromdm-scep | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 testing | golang-github-mightyguava-jl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-mightyguava-jl | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | golang-github-mightyguava-jl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.18.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | containerd | 1.6.20~ds1-2 | 1.6.24~ds1-1 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.48.1+ds1-2 | 1.51.0+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-pointlander-peg | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.11.0-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-rakyll-statik | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-rsc-devweb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-armon-go-radix | 1.0.0-2 | 1.0.0+git20221118.54df44f-1 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-sebest-xff | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-sebest-xff | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 testing | golang-github-segmentio-ksuid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-smallstep-truststore | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.3-1 | 1.3.7-1 testing | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.13.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.14.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-github-varlink-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-github-vincent-petithory-dataurl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-xo-terminfo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 testing | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-github-yosssi-ace | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-github-yosssi-ace | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-gogoprotobuf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-gogoprotobuf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-gogottrpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-gogottrpc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-gogottrpc | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-google-grpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-google-grpc | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-google-grpc | golang-glog | 0.0~git20160126.23def4e-5 | 1.1.2-1 testing | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-google-grpc | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1 | 0.0~git20231006.7918f67-1 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 testing | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | golang-honnef-go-tools | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-honnef-go-tools | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-honnef-go-tools | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-honnef-go-tools | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 testing | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.15.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.18.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-k8s-utils | 0.0~git20240102.e7106e6-1 | 0.0~git20240310.4693a02-1 testing | golang-mvdan-sh | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-mvdan-sh | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-mvdan-sh | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-pault-go-ykpiv | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-pault-go-ykpiv | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-petname | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-sourcehut-emersion-gqlclient | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-v2ray-core | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | golang-v2ray-core | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | golang-v2ray-core | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | golang-v2ray-core | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | golang-v2ray-core | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | gomuks | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | google-guest-agent | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | google-guest-agent | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | google-guest-agent | golang-google-api | 0.61.0-1 | 0.61.0-4 testing | gopass | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gopass | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | gopass | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gopass | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gosop | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | gosop | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gosop | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | gosop | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gosop | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | gosu | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gosu | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gosu | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | govarnam | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gox | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | goxkcdpwgen | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gprbuild | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | gron | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gron | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | gsort | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | gsort | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | gsort | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 testing | guice | asm | 9.0-1 | 9.7-1 testing | guice | cglib | 3.2.12-1 | 3.3.0-1 testing | h5py | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.14.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.17.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | hcloud-cli | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | heartbleeder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | hellfire | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | hey | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | hhsuite | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | hisat2 | simde | 0.7.2-6 | 0.8.0-1 testing | hisat2 | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | hjson-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | hub | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | hub | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | hub | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | hub | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | hub | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | hub | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | hub | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | hub | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 testing | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | hut | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | hut | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | hut | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | hut | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | hut | golang-sourcehut-emersion-go-scfg | 0.0~git20230924.0701f91-1 | 0.0~git20231211.0b4e72d-1 testing | icingadb | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | ignition | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ignition | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.45.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 testing | ignition | golang-github-beevik-etree | 1.2.0-1 | 1.3.0-1 testing | ignition | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | ignition | golang-github-pin-tftp | 3.0.0-1 | 3.1.0-1 testing | ignition | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | ignition | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | ignition | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | ignition | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | ignition | golang-google-api | 0.61.0-1 | 0.61.0-4 testing | incus | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | incus | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | incus | golang-github-cenkalti-rpc2 | 1.0.2-1 | 1.0.3-1 testing | incus | golang-github-digitalocean-go-libvirt | 0.0~git20221122.e3cbf86-1 | 0.0~git20240308.df736b2-1 testing | incus | golang-github-digitalocean-go-libvirt | 0.0~git20240220.fcabe97-1 | 0.0~git20240308.df736b2-1 testing | incus | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | incus | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | incus | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | incus | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | incus | golang-github-mdlayher-ndp | 1.0.1-1 | 1.1.0-1 testing | incus | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | incus | golang-github-minio-madmin-go | 3.0.43-1 | 3.0.48-1 testing | incus | golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7 | 7.0.66-1 | 7.0.67-1 testing | incus | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | incus | golang-github-openfga-go-sdk | 0.3.4-1 | 0.3.5-1 testing | incus | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | incus | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 testing | incus | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | incus | golang-github-zitadel-oidc | 2.6.3-2 | 2.12.0-1 testing | incus | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | incus | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | incus | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | incus | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | incus | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | incus | golang-k8s-utils | 0.0~git20240102.e7106e6-1 | 0.0~git20240310.4693a02-1 testing | incus | gopacket | 1.1.19-4 | 1.1.19-6 testing | influxdb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | influxdb | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | influxdb | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | influxdb | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | influxdb | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | influxdb | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | influxdb | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | influxdb | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | influxdb | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | influxdb | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | influxdb | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | invidtui | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | invidtui | golang-github-darkhz-mpvipc | 0.0~git20231124.eb73ba4-1 | 0.0~git20231124.eb73ba4-2 testing | invidtui | golang-github-davidmytton-url-verifier | 1.0.0-1 | 1.0.0-2 testing | invidtui | golang-github-etherlabsio-go-m3u8 | 1.0.0-1 | 1.0.0-2 testing | invidtui | golang-github-gammazero-deque | 0.2.1-1 | 0.2.1-2 testing | ipp-usb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | irtt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | irtt | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | irtt | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | jid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | jid | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | jid | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | jid | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | jp | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | jp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | jp | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | jqp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | jqp | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | jqp | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | 2.9.1-1 | 2.13.0-1 testing | jqp | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.10.0+ds1-1 | 1.11.0+ds1-1 testing | jqp | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | jqp | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | jqp | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | jqp | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | jqp | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 testing | jqp | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | jqp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | jqp | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | jqp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | json2file-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | jupyter-console | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | jupyter-core | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | jupyter-notebook | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | kappanhang | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | kappanhang | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | kappanhang | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | kappanhang | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | kcptun | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | kcptun | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | kcptun | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.5-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | kcptun | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | kcptun | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | kcptun | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | kcptun | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | kcptun | gopacket | 1.1.19-3 | 1.1.19-6 testing | khmer | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | kitty | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | kitty | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | 2.12.0-1 | 2.13.0-1 testing | kitty | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.10.0+ds1-1 | 1.11.0+ds1-1 testing | kitty | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | kitty | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | kitty | golang-golang-x-image | 0.14.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | kitty | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | kitty | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | kmc | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | kubecolor | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | kubecolor | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | kubecolor | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | kubecolor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | kubectx | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | kubectx | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | kubectx | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | kubectx | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | kubernetes-split-yaml | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | kubernetes-split-yaml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | kubernetes-split-yaml | golang-github-urfave-cli-v2 | 2.3.0-2 | 2.3.0-3 testing | kubernetes-split-yaml | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | last-align | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | lazr.config | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | lf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | lf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | lf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | lf | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | libaunit | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | libcbor | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | libcork | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | libcorkipset | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | libevdev | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 testing | libgtkada | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | liborcus | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | libpod | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | libpod | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | libpod | golang-github-containers-gvisor-tap-vsocks | 0.7.2+ds1-1 | 0.7.3+ds1-1 testing | libpod | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | libpod | golang-github-digitalocean-go-libvirt | 0.0~git20221122.e3cbf86-1 | 0.0~git20240308.df736b2-1 testing | libpod | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | libpod | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | libpod | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | libpod | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | libpod | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | libpod | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | libpod | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | libpod | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | libpod | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | libpod | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | libpod | runc | 1.1.12+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | libvigraimpex | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | libxmlada | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | links2 | publicsuffix | 20230209.2326-1 | 20231001.0357-0.1 testing | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.5.13-1 | 6.6.15-2 testing | lltsv | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | lltsv | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | lltsv | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | lmfit-py | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | loki-ecmwf | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | lumin | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | lxd | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | lxd | gobgp | 3.21.0-1 | 3.23.0-1 testing | lxd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-canonical-candid | 1.12.2-4 | 1.12.3-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-digitalocean-go-libvirt | 0.0~git20221122.e3cbf86-1 | 0.0~git20240308.df736b2-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | lxd | golang-github-juju-loggo | 1.0.0-1 | 2.0.1-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-mdlayher-ndp | 1.0.1-1 | 1.1.0-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | lxd | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7 | 7.0.66-1 | 7.0.67-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | lxd | golang-github-zitadel-oidc | 2.6.3-2 | 2.12.0-1 testing | lxd | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | lxd | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | lxd | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | lxd | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | lxd | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | lxd | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | lxd | golang-k8s-utils | 0.0~git20240102.e7106e6-1 | 0.0~git20240310.4693a02-1 testing | lxd | gopacket | 1.1.19-4 | 1.1.19-6 testing | macsyfinder | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | madonctl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | madonctl | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | madonctl | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 testing | madonctl | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | madonctl | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | madonctl | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | madonctl | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | madonctl | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | madonctl | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | madonctl | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | madonctl | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | madonctl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | madonctl | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | matrix-synapse | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | mcstrans | libsepol | 3.5-1 | 3.5-2 testing | mdevctl | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | mender-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | mender-client | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | mender-client | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mender-client | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | mender-client | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | mender-client | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mender-client | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mender-connect | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | mender-connect | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | mender-connect | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mender-connect | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mender-connect | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 testing | mender-connect | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 testing | mender-connect | golang-github-urfave-cli-v2 | 2.3.0-2 | 2.3.0-3 testing | mender-connect | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mender-connect | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | micro | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | micro | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 testing | micro | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | micro | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | micro | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | micropython | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | minica | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | minica | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | minica | golang-pault-go-debian | 0.9-2 | 0.16.0-1 testing | minica | golang-pault-go-topsort | 0.0~git20160529.f98d2ad-2 | 0.1.1-1 testing | miniflux | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | miniflux | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | miniflux | golang-github-tdewolff-minify | 2.20.17-1 | 2.20.19-1 testing | miniflux | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | miniflux | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | miniflux | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | miniflux | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mir-eval | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | mirrorbits | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mirrorbits | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | mirrorbits | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | mirrorbits | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | mirrorbits | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mirrorbits | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mirrorbits | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | mkcert | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mkcert | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | mkcert | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | mkcert | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | mmlib | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | mmseqs2 | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mockery | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | mockery | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | mockery | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | mockery | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mockery | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | mockery | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 testing | molly-brown | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mopidy | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | mopidy-dleyna | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | mopidy-podcast | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | mpd | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | mtail | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | mtail | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | mtail | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | mtail | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | mtail | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | mtail | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | mupdf | fonts-urw-base35 | 20200910-7 | 20200910-8 testing | mupdf | texlive-extra | 2023.20231207-3 | 2023.20240207-1 testing | mutagen | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | mypy | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | nanovna-saver | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | nats-server | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | nats-server | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | nats-server | golang-github-nats-io-nkeys | 0.4.6-1 | 0.4.7-1 testing | nats-server | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | nats-server | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | nbformat | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | nbsphinx | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-gin-gonic-gin | 1.8.1-1 | 1.8.1-2 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.5-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-shirou-gopsutil | 3.22.10-1 | 3.24.1-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | nebula | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | nebula | golang-github-armon-go-radix | 1.0.0-2 | 1.0.0+git20221118.54df44f-1 testing | nebula | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | nebula | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | nebula | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | nebula | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | nebula | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | nebula | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | nebula | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | nebula | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | nebula | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-nats-io-nkeys | 0.4.6-1 | 0.4.7-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | nipy | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | nncp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | nncp | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | nncp | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | nncp | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | nncp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | nncp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | nncp | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | nncp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | nncp | yggdrasil | 0.5.5-1 | 0.5.5-2 testing | nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | nose2 | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | notary | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | notary | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | notary | golang-github-bugsnag-bugsnag-go | 1.7.0-2 | 2.2.0-1 testing | notary | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 testing | notary | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 testing | notary | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 testing | notary | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | notary | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | notary | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | notary | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | notary | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | notary | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | notary | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | notary | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | notary | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | notary | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | notary | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | notary | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | notary | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | notary | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | notary | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | notary | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | obfs4proxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | obfs4proxy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | obfs4proxy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | obfs4proxy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | obs-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | obs-cli | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 testing | obs-cli | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | oci-image-tools | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | oci-image-tools | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | oci-image-tools | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | oci-image-tools | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | oci-image-tools | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | opensmtpd-filter-rspamd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | opensmtpd-filter-senderscore | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | opgpcard | alabaster | 0.7.8-1.1 | 0.7.12-1 testing | opgpcard | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 7.2.6-6 testing | orthanc-dicomweb | orthanc | 1.12.1+dfsg-4 | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 testing | orthanc-gdcm | orthanc | 1.12.1+dfsg-4 | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 testing | orthanc-mysql | orthanc | 1.12.1+dfsg-4 | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 testing | orthanc-neuro | orthanc | 1.12.1+dfsg-4 | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 testing | orthanc-postgresql | orthanc | 1.12.1+dfsg-4 | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 testing | orthanc-wsi | orthanc | 1.12.1+dfsg-4 | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 testing | oxigraph | rust-oxilangtag | 0.1.3-6 | 0.1.5-1 testing | oxigraph | rust-oxiri | 0.2.2-6 | 0.2.3-1 testing | pacemaker | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | panoramisk | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pat | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | pat | golang-github-gorilla-css | 1.0.0-3 | 1.0.1-1 testing | pat | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 testing | pat | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 testing | pat | golang-github-la5nta-wl2k-go | 0.11.4-1 | 0.11.8-1 testing | pat | golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday | 1.0.24-1 | 1.0.26-1 testing | pat | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | pat | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | pat | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | pat | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | pathos | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pd-ableton-link | ableton-link | 3.0.6+dfsg-4 | 3.1.1+dfsg-1 testing | pebble | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | pebble | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | pebble | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | pebble | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | pebble | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | peco | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | pelican | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pexpect | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | phcpack | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pikepdf | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pinfish | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | pinfish | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | pk4 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | pk4 | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | pk4 | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | pk4 | golang-pault-go-debian | 0.9-2 | 0.16.0-1 testing | pk4 | golang-pault-go-topsort | 0.0~git20160529.f98d2ad-2 | 0.1.1-1 testing | plast | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | plink2 | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | png2svg | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | png2svg | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | pocl | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pollen | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | precious | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | prometheus | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-github-hashicorp-golang-lru-v2 | 2.0.7-1 | 2.0.7-2 testing | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.15.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 testing | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.10.0-2 | 0.11.0-2 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.11.0-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-go-kit-kit | 0.10.0-5 | 0.10.0-6 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.11.0-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-smokeping-prober | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-smokeping-prober | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-smokeping-prober | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-smokeping-prober | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-smokeping-prober | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.10.0-2 | 0.11.0-2 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.11.0-1 | 0.11.0-2 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | pup | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | pup | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | pup | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | pup | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | pup | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | pup | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | pybind11 | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pybtex | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pyina | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pymupdf | mupdf | 1.23.6+ds1-1 | 1.23.10+ds1-1 testing | pymupdf | mupdf | 1.23.7+ds1-1 | 1.23.10+ds1-1 testing | pynauty | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pysoundfile | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pytest-dependency | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pytest-mpi | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-agate | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-agate-dbf | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-agate-sql | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-aioresponses | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-ase | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-async-generator | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-babel | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-babel | unicode-cldr-core | 41-0.1 | 44-0.1 testing | python-can | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-cryptography | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-dbfread | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-dtcwt | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-duniterpy | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-evdev | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-funcy | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-imageio | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-latexcodec | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-midiutil | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-mockito | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-mpd | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-musicpd | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-peachpy | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-prov | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-ptk | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-pybedtools | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-pymeasure | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-rpaths | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-scrapy | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-screed | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-skbio | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-sybil | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-trio-websocket | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-uritools | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python-zstandard | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | python3-defaults | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pythondialog | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | pytsk | sleuthkit | 4.12.0+dfsg-1 | 4.12.1+dfsg-1 testing | pyzo | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | qrterminal | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | qrterminal | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | qrterminal | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | ratt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ratt | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | ratt | golang-pault-go-debian | 0.9-2 | 0.16.0-1 testing | ratt | golang-pault-go-topsort | 0.0~git20160529.f98d2ad-2 | 0.1.1-1 testing | rawdns | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | rawdns | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 testing | rawdns | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | rawdns | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | raxml | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | rclone | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | rclone | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | rclone | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.45.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 testing | rclone | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.6-1 | 1.3.7-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse | 2.1.0+git20220822.58a7e14-1 | 2.4.2-2 testing | rclone | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-pkg-sftp | 1.13.5-2 | 1.13.6-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-shirou-gopsutil | 3.22.10-1 | 3.24.1-1 testing | rclone | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.14.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.17.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | rclone | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.4.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | rclone | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 testing | rclone | golang-google-api | 0.61.0-1 | 0.61.0-4 testing | rclone | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | receptor | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | receptor | golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer | 1:0.19.6-1 | 1:0.20.2-1 testing | receptor | golang-github-go-openapi-swag | 1:0.22.4-1 | 1:0.22.8-1 testing | receptor | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | receptor | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | receptor | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | 1.12.0-1 | 1.12.0-3 testing | receptor | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | receptor | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | receptor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | receptor | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | receptor | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | receptor | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | 0.0~git20231214.ab13479-1 | 0.0~git20231214.ab13479-2 testing | receptor | golang-k8s-utils | 0.0~git20240102.e7106e6-1 | 0.0~git20240310.4693a02-1 testing | receptor | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | reflex | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | reflex | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | reflex | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 testing | reflex | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | reposurgeon | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | reposurgeon | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | reposurgeon | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | reposurgeon | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | restic | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | restic | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | restic | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | restic | golang-github-hashicorp-golang-lru-v2 | 2.0.1-2 | 2.0.7-2 testing | restic | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | restic | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | restic | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | restic | golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7 | 7.0.66-1 | 7.0.67-1 testing | restic | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | restic | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | restic | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | restic | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | restic | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | riseup-vpn | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | riseup-vpn | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | riseup-vpn | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.5-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | riseup-vpn | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | riseup-vpn | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | riseup-vpn | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | rna-star | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | robustirc-bridge | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | rootlesskit | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | rootlesskit | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | rootlesskit | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | rootlesskit | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 testing | rootlesskit | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 testing | rootlesskit | golang-github-urfave-cli-v2 | 2.3.0-2 | 2.3.0-3 testing | rootlesskit | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | rootlesskit | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | runc | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | runc | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 testing | runc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | rust-alacritty | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-b3sum | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-bat | rust-ansi-colours | 1.1.1-1 | 1.2.2-1 testing | rust-bat | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-bindgen-cli | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-bkt | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-brotli | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cargo-auditable | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-1 | 0.7.8-1 testing | rust-cargo-auditable | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cargo-binutils | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cargo-c | rust-cbindgen | 0.26.0-2 | 0.26.0-3 testing | rust-cargo-c | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cargo-debstatus | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 testing | rust-cargo-debstatus | rust-colored | 2.0.0-1 | 2.1.0-1 testing | rust-cargo-debstatus | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cargo-lichking | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cargo-lock | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cargo-outdated | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cbindgen | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-cid-npm | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-condure | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-debcargo | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-difference | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-diffr | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-dotenv | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-droid-juicer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-drt-tools | rust-assorted-debian-utils | 0.7.0-1 | 0.7.1-1 testing | rust-elfx86exts | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-erbium | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-1 | 0.7.8-1 testing | rust-erbium | rust-async-executor | 1.5.4-2 | 1.5.4-3 testing | rust-erbium | rust-async-std | 1.12.0-15 | 1.12.0-17 testing | rust-erbium | rust-async-task | 4.5.0-1.1 | 4.7.0-3 testing | rust-erbium | rust-blocking | 1.3.1-2 | 1.4.0-1 testing | rust-erbium | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-eza | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-eza | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-6 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-fd-find | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-fd-find | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-filespooler | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-findutils | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-git-absorb | rust-slog-term | 2.6.0-1 | 2.9.0-1 testing | rust-git-absorb | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-gping | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-grcov | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-hexyl | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-just | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-kmon | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-lscolors | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-lsd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-markdown | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-netr | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-nitrocli | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-parsec-service | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 testing | rust-parsec-service | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-parsec-tool | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-pikchr | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-protobuf-codegen | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-proton-call | rustc | 1.63.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-pulldown-cmark | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-regalloc2 | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 testing | rust-regalloc2 | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-regalloc2 | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-6 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-resource-proof | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-ripgrep | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-rockusb | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-rustdoc-stripper | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-rustfilt | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-rusty-tags | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sequoia-chameleon-gnupg | rust-sequoia-ipc | 0.31.0-1 | 0.34.1-1 testing | rust-sequoia-chameleon-gnupg | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | rust-sequoia-keyring-linter | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | rust-sequoia-keyring-linter | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sequoia-sop | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | rust-sequoia-sop | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sequoia-sq | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 testing | rust-sequoia-sq | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | rust-sequoia-sq | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sequoia-sqv | rust-buffered-reader | 1.2.0-1 | 1.3.0-1 testing | rust-sequoia-sqv | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.16.0-3 | 1.19.0-1 testing | rust-sequoia-sqv | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sequoia-wot | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 testing | rust-sequoia-wot | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | rust-sequoia-wot | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sha1collisiondetection | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sniffglue | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-speakersafetyd | rust-colored | 2.0.0-1 | 2.1.0-1 testing | rust-speakersafetyd | rust-configparser | 3.0.3-2 | 3.0.3-3 testing | rust-speakersafetyd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sudo-rs | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-sudo-rs | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-6 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-tealdeer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-tre-command | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-tree-sitter-cli | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-ucd-generate | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-virtiofsd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-vivid | rust-ansi-colours | 1.1.1-1 | 1.2.2-1 testing | rust-vivid | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-xml-rs | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-zoxide | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | rust-zram-generator | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.6-13 | 0.7.8-1 testing | rust-zram-generator | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | safe-rm | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | safe-vdash | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | salmon | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | sash | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-15 testing | sash | zlib | 1:1.2.13.dfsg-3 | 1:1.3.dfsg-3 testing | scikit-learn | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | scrappie | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 testing | secsipidx | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | secsipidx | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | selinux-python | libsepol | 3.5-1 | 3.5-2 testing | seqkit | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | seqkit | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | seqkit | golang-github-shenwei356-util | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | seqkit | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | seqkit | golang-golang-x-image | 0.14.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 testing | seqkit | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | seqkit | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | settle | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 testing | settle | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 testing | shasta | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | shoelaces | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | shoelaces | golang-github-go-kit-kit | 0.10.0-5 | 0.10.0-6 testing | sia | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | sia | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | sia | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | sia | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | sia | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | sia | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | sia | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | sia | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | signond | doxygen | 1.9.1-2 | 1.9.8+ds-2 testing | sigsum-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | sigsum-go | golang-github-dchest-safefile | 0.0~git20151022.0.855e8d9-1.1 | 0.0~git20151022.0.855e8d9-2 testing | sigsum-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | sigsum-go | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | sioyek | mupdf | 1.23.6+ds1-1 | 1.23.10+ds1-1 testing | sioyek | mupdf | 1.23.7+ds1-1 | 1.23.10+ds1-1 testing | sioyek | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | six | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 testing | skeema | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | skimage | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 testing | skopeo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | skopeo | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-containers-common | 0.56.0+ds1-3 | 0.57.4+ds1-2 testing | skopeo | golang-github-containers-image | 5.28.0-3 | 5.29.2-2 testing | skopeo | golang-github-containers-ocicrypt | 1.1.7-2 | 1.1.9-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.50.2+ds1-2 | 1.51.0+ds1-2 testing | skopeo | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | skopeo | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-secure-systems-lab-go-securesystemslib | 0.7.0-2 | 0.8.0-2 testing | skopeo | golang-github-secure-systems-lab-go-securesystemslib | 0.7.0-3 | 0.8.0-2 testing | skopeo | golang-github-sigstore-sigstore | 1.4.0-3 | 1.8.0-2 testing | skopeo | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | skopeo | golang-github-theupdateframework-go-tuf | 0.5.2-5 | 0.6.1-1 testing | skopeo | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | skopeo | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1 | 0.0~git20231006.7918f67-1 testing | skopeo | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | skopeo | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | skopeo | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | skopeo | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | skopeo | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | skopeo | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 testing | skopeo | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | skopeo | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-4 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | slinkwatch | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | slinkwatch | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | slinkwatch | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | slinkwatch | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | slinkwatch | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | slinkwatch | golang-github-shirou-gopsutil | 3.22.10-1 | 3.24.1-1 testing | slinkwatch | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | slinkwatch | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | slt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | snapd | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | snapd | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | snapd | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | snapd | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | snowflake | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | snowflake | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | snowflake | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | snowflake | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | snowflake | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | snowflake | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | snowflake | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | snowflake | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | soju | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | soju | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | soju | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.18~ds1-1 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 testing | soju | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | soju | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | soju | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | soju | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | soju | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | soju | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | soju | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | soju | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | sortedcontainers | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | sphinx-argparse | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 testing | sphinx-inline-tabs | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | sphinx-multiversion | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | sqlite-utils | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | sqlparse | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | sshesame | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | sshesame | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 testing | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 testing | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 testing | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | sshesame | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | sshesame | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | sshesame | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | sshesame | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | stayrtr | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | stayrtr | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 testing | stayrtr | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | stayrtr | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | stenographer | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | stenographer | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | stenographer | gopacket | 1.1.19-4 | 1.1.19-6 testing | supermin | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-15 testing | supermin | musl | 1.2.4-2 | 1.2.5-1 testing | syncthing | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | syncthing | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | syncthing | golang-github-alecthomas-kong | 0.8.1-1 | 0.9.0-1 testing | syncthing | golang-github-calmh-incontainer | 0.0~git20221224.b3e71b1-1 | 0.0~git20221224.b3e71b1-2 testing | syncthing | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | syncthing | golang-github-hashicorp-golang-lru-v2 | 2.0.1-2 | 2.0.7-2 testing | syncthing | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 testing | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 testing | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | syncthing | golang-github-shirou-gopsutil | 3.22.10-1 | 3.24.1-1 testing | syncthing | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | syncthing | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | syncthing | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | syncthing | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | syslinux | gnu-efi | 3.0.9-1 | 3.0.18-1 testing | tea-cli | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.6-1 | 1.3.7-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-github-go-git-go-billy | 5.3.1-3 | 5.5.0-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config | 1.0-2 | 1.2.0-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.6.0-1 | 1.7.0-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | tea-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | terminado | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | terminaltables | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 testing | terminews | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | terminews | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | terminews | golang-github-go-resty-resty | 2.6.0-1 | 2.10.0-1 testing | terminews | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | terminews | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | terminews | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 testing | terminews | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | terminews | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | terminews | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | termpaint | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | termshark | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | termshark | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-antchfx-xmlquery | 1.3.3-1 | 1.4.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-antchfx-xpath | 1.1.2-2 | 1.3.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | termshark | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | termshark | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | termshark | wormhole-william | 1.0.6-3 | 1.0.6-4 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect | 0.0~git20230614.f32df32-1 | 0.0~git20230614.f32df32-2 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | terraform-switcher | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | texstudio | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | textql | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | textql | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 testing | tfk8s | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | tfk8s | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | tftp-proxy | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | tml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | tt-rss | prototypejs | 1.7.1-3.1 | 1.7.3-1 testing | tty-share | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | tty-share | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 testing | tty-share | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 testing | tty-share | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 testing | tty-share | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | tty-share | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | tty-share | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | tuiwidgets | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | umoci | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | umoci | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | umoci | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | umoci | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | umoci | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | umoci | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | umoci | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 testing | umoci | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | umoci | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 testing | umoci | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 testing | umoci | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | umoci | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | umoci | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.32.0-1 testing | umoci | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | umoci | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-4 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 testing | unikmer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | unikmer | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | unikmer | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | unikmer | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 testing | unikmer | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | unikmer | golang-github-shenwei356-util | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | unikmer | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | unikmer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | vcfanno | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | vcfanno | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | verilator | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | victoriametrics | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 testing | victoriametrics | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 testing | victoriametrics | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 testing | victoriametrics | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 testing | victoriametrics | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-3 | 1.19.0-1 testing | victoriametrics | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 testing | victoriametrics | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 testing | victoriametrics | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | victoriametrics | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | vip-manager | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 testing | vip-manager | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | vip-manager | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 testing | vip-manager | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | vip-manager | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | vip-manager | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | vip-manager | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | vip-manager | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 testing | vip-manager | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | vip-manager | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | vip-manager2 | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 testing | vip-manager2 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | vip-manager2 | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 testing | vip-manager2 | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | vip-manager2 | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 testing | vip-manager2 | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | vip-manager2 | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | vip-manager2 | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | vip-manager2 | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | wagon | commons-io | 2.11.0-2 | 2.16.0-1 testing | wagon | libcommons-codec-java | 1.15-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | webhook | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | websocketd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | websocketd | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 testing | win32-loader | grub2 | 2.06-2 | 2.12-2~deb13u1 testing | winrmcp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | winrmcp | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | winrmcp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | winrmcp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | wireguard-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | wireguard-go | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | wormhole-william | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | wormhole-william | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | wormhole-william | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | wuzz | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | wuzz | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | wuzz | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | wuzz | golang-github-tidwall-gjson | 1.14.4-2 | 1.17.1-1 testing | wuzz | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | wuzz | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | wuzz | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 testing | xmpp-dns | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 testing | xq | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | xq | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 testing | xq | golang-github-antchfx-xmlquery | 1.3.3-1 | 1.4.0-1 testing | xq | golang-github-antchfx-xpath | 1.1.2-2 | 1.3.0-1 testing | xq | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 testing | xq | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 testing | xq | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 testing | xq | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 testing | xq | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 testing | xq | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 testing | xq | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 testing | xq | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 testing | xq | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | xq | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | xq | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | xrootd | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | xtensor | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 testing | xtensor-blas | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | yara | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 testing | yggdrasil | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | yggdrasil | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 testing | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 testing | ymuse | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ymuse | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | ymuse | golang-github-gotk3-gotk3 | 0.6.2-2 | 0.6.3-1 testing | yubikey-agent | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 testing | yubikey-agent | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 testing | yubikey-agent | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | yubikey-agent | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 testing | zsh | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-15 testing | zsh | libcap2 | 1:2.66-4 | 1:2.66-5 testing | zsh | ncurses | 6.4+20231209-1 | 6.4+20240113-1 unstable | abpoa | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | abydos | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | acmetool | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | acmetool | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | acmetool | golang-github-jmhodges-clock | 1.0-3.1 | 1.1-1 unstable | acmetool | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | acmetool | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | acmetool | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | acmetool | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | aerc | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | aerc | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | aerc | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.15.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | aerc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | aerc | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | aerc | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.18.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | age | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | age | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | age | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | age | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | age | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | age | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | age | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | age | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | ahven | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | aiorpcx | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | prometheus-alertmanager | 0.25.0+ds-1 | 0.27.0+ds-2 unstable | alertmanager-irc-relay | prometheus-alertmanager | 0.26.0+ds-1 | 0.27.0+ds-2 unstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go-v2 | 1.17.8-1 | 1.24.1-2 unstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-github-aws-smithy-go | 1.13.3-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | amazon-ecr-credential-helper | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | amfora | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | amfora | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | amfora | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | amfora | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | amfora | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | amfora | golang-github-schollz-progressbar | 3.8.2-1 | 3.14.1-1 unstable | amfora | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | amfora | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | amfora | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | amfora | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | amfora | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | android-platform-build-kati | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | android-platform-build-kati | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | android-platform-build-kati | golang-glog | 0.0~git20160126.23def4e-5 | 1.1.2-1 unstable | aptly | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | aptly | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | aptly | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | aptly | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | aptly | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | aptly | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | aptly | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | aptly | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | aptly | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | aptly | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | aptly | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | aptly | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | aptly | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | aptly | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | aptly | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | arduino-builder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | arduino-builder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | aspell-sk | libreoffice-dictionaries | 1:7.5.0-1 | 1:24.2.2-1 unstable | autosuspend | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.45.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | aws-nuke | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | badger | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | badger | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | badger | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | badger | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.10.0-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | badger | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | badger | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | badger | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.8.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | badger | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | badger | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | balboa | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | balboa | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | balboa | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | balboa | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | balboa | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | balboa | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | balloon | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | balloon | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | bankstown-lv2 | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | bash | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-17 unstable | bash | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-17 unstable | beanbag-docutils | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | bettercap | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | bettercap | golang-github-antchfx-jsonquery | 1.3.2-1 | 1.3.4-1 unstable | bettercap | golang-github-antchfx-xpath | 1.1.2-2 | 1.3.0-1 unstable | bettercap | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | binoculars | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | binutils-arm-none-eabi | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-m68hc1x | binutils | 2.40-2 | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-mipsen | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-msp430 | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-or1k-elf | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-or1k-elf | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-riscv64-unknown-elf | binutils | 2.41-4 | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-riscv64-unknown-elf | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-sh-elf | binutils | 2.42-3 | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-xtensa | binutils | 2.41-6 | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-xtensa | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-z80 | binutils | 2.40-2 | 2.42-4 unstable | binutils-z80 | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | bombadillo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | bombadillo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | bottleneck | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | browserpass | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | browserpass | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | browserpass | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | browserpass | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | burrow | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | burrow | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | burrow | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | burrow | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | burrow | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | burrow | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | burrow | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | busybox | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-17 unstable | bwa | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | c2go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | c2go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | c2go | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | c2go | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.15.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | caddy | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | caddy | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | caddy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | caddy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-coreos-bbolt | 1.3.6-2 | 1.3.8-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-go-kit-kit | 0.10.0-5 | 0.10.0-6 unstable | caddy | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | caddy | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.5-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go | 0.37.4-1 | 0.38.2-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-smallstep-cli | 0.15.16+ds-3 | 0.15.16+ds-4 unstable | caddy | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.5.6-1 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.6.0-1 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1 | 0.0~git20231006.7918f67-1 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | caddy | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | caddy | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | caddy | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 unstable | cairocffi | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | canid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | cbor2 | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | cdebootstrap | glibc | 2.37-16 | 2.37-17 unstable | cdist | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | certinfo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | certinfo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | cglib | asm | 9.3-1 | 9.7-1 unstable | chasquid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | chasquid | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | chasquid | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | chasquid | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | chasquid | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | chasquid | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | chasquid | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | checkpolicy | libsepol | 3.5-1 | 3.5-2 unstable | chkrootkit | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-17 unstable | cliphist | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | cliphist | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | cliphist | golang-github-coreos-bbolt | 1.3.6-2 | 1.3.8-1 unstable | cliphist | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | cliphist | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | clipman | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | clipman | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | cloudsql-proxy | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | cloudsql-proxy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | cloudsql-proxy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | cloudsql-proxy | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | cobra-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | codesearch | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | codesearch | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | consfigurator | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | console-data | unicode-data | 14.0.0-1 | 15.1.0-1 unstable | containerd | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | containerd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | containerd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | containerd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | containerd | golang-github-containers-ocicrypt | 1.1.7-2 | 1.1.9-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | containerd | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | containerd | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.14.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.17.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.4.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | containerd | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | containerd | golang-k8s-sigs-structured-merge-diff | 4.1.2+ds1-2 | 4.4.1+ds1-1 unstable | containerd | runc | 1.1.10+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | copyq | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | courier-unicode | unicode-data | 15.0.0-1 | 15.1.0-1 unstable | cross-toolchain-base | binutils | 2.41-6 | 2.42-4 unstable | cross-toolchain-base | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-11 | 12.3.0-17 unstable | cross-toolchain-base | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-17 unstable | cross-toolchain-base | linux | 6.5.8-1 | 6.7.9-2 unstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | binutils | | 2.42-4 unstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-14 | 12.3.0-17 unstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-17 unstable | cross-toolchain-base-mipsen | linux | 6.6.11-1 | 6.7.9-2 unstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | binutils | 2.41-6 | 2.42-4 unstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-11 | 12.3.0-17 unstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-17 unstable | cross-toolchain-base-ports | linux | 6.5.8-1 | 6.7.9-2 unstable | crowdsec | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | crowdsec | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | crowdsec | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | crowdsec | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | crowdsec | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | crowdsec | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.15.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | crowdsec | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | crowdsec | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | crowdsec | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | crowdsec | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | crowdsec | 1.4.6-6 | 1.4.6-7 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer | 1:0.19.6-1 | 1:0.20.2-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-go-openapi-swag | 1:0.22.4-1 | 1:0.22.8-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-custom-bouncer | golang-mongodb-mongo-driver | 1.12.1+ds1-1 | 1.12.1+ds1-2 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | crowdsec | 1.4.6-6 | 1.4.6-7 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer | 1:0.19.6-1 | 1:0.20.2-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-go-openapi-swag | 1:0.22.4-1 | 1:0.22.8-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | crowdsec-firewall-bouncer | golang-mongodb-mongo-driver | 1.12.1+ds1-1 | 1.12.1+ds1-2 unstable | dar | curl | 8.6.0-3.2 | 8.7.1-2 unstable | dar | curl | 8.6.0-4 | 8.7.1-2 unstable | dar | glibc | 2.37-15.1 | 2.37-17 unstable | dar | lz4 | 1.9.4-1 | 1.9.4-2 unstable | dar | openssl | 3.1.5-1.1 | 3.2.1-3 unstable | dbus-fast | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | dbus-python | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | debos | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | debos | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | debusine | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | deck | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | deck | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | deck | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | deck | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | deck | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | deck | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | deck | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | deck | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | deck | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | deets | dpkg | 1.21.22 | 1.22.6 unstable | deets | dpkg | 1.22.2 | 1.22.6 unstable | delve | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | delve | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | delve | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | direnv | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | direnv | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | direnv | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | direnv | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | direnv | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | direnv | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | direnv | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | direnv | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 unstable | distrobuilder | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | distrobuilder | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | distrobuilder | golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery | 1.3.0-2 | 1.3.1-1 unstable | distrobuilder | golang-github-antchfx-xpath | 1.1.2-2 | 1.3.0-1 unstable | distrobuilder | golang-github-zitadel-oidc | 2.12.0-1 | 3.19.0-1 unstable | distrobuilder | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | distrobuilder | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | distrobuilder | incus | 0.7-1 | 6.0.0-1 unstable | django-guardian | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | dmarc-cat | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-github-dchest-safefile | 0.0~git20151022.0.855e8d9-1.1 | 0.0~git20151022.0.855e8d9-2 unstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | dnscrypt-proxy | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | dnss | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | dnss | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | dnss | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | dnss | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | dnss | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | dnss | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | dnss | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | docker-registry | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | docker-registry | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | 1.11.0-1 | 1.12.0-3 unstable | docker-registry | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | docker-registry | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | docker-registry | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | docker.io | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 unstable | docker.io | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-17 unstable | docker.io | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.0-2 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | docker.io | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | docker.io | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | docker.io | runc | 1.1.10+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | domain2idna | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | dotty-dict | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | duf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | duf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | duf | golang-github-iglou-eu-go-wildcard | 2.0.1-1 | 2.0.2-1 unstable | duf | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | duf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | duf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | duf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | duf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | dune-functions | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | dune-geometry | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | dune-grid-glue | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | dune-istl | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | dune-localfunctions | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | dune-pdelab | doxygen | 1.8.17-1 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | dune-typetree | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | easygen | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | easygen | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | easygen | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | easygen | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | efm-langserver | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | elvish | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | elvish | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | emd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | emd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | emptty | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | etcd | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | etcd | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | etcd | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | etcd | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | etcd | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | etcd | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | etcd | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | etcd | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | etcd | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | etcd | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | etcd | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | ethflux | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ethflux | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ethflux | golang-github-dcso-fluxline | 0.0~git20200907.78686e5-3 | 0.0~git20200907.78686e5-4 unstable | ethflux | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | ethflux | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fabric | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | fastd | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | fdroidcl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | fdroidcl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | fdroidcl | golang-github-schollz-progressbar | 3.8.2-1 | 3.14.1-1 unstable | fdroidcl | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | fdroidcl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fdroidcl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fdroidcl | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fdroidcl | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fever | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | fever | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | fever | golang-github-dcso-fluxline | 0.0~git20200907.78686e5-3 | 0.0~git20200907.78686e5-4 unstable | fever | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | fever | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | fever | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | fever | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | fever | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fever | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | fever | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | ffcvt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ffcvt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ffuf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ffuf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ffuf | golang-github-ffuf-pencode | 0.3-3 | 0.4-1 unstable | ffuf | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.17.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | ffuf | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | flask-restful | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | flufl.lock | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | fontforge | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | form-history-control | datatables.js | 1.10.20+dfsg-1 | 1.11.5+dfsg-2 unstable | form-history-control | node-jquery-mousewheel | 1:3.1.13-2 | 1:3.1.13-5 unstable | frr | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | frr | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | fscrypt | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | fscrypt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | fscrypt | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | fscrypt | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fscrypt | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fscrypt | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | fzf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | fzf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | fzf | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.4.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | fzf | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | fzf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fzf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fzf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | fzf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | g10k | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | garagemq | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-github-tidwall-gjson | 1.14.4-2 | 1.17.1-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | garagemq | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gcc-10-cross | gcc-10 | 10.5.0-1 | 10.5.0-4 unstable | gcc-10-cross-mipsen | gcc-10 | 10.5.0-1 | 10.5.0-4 unstable | gcc-10-cross-mipsen | gcc-10 | 10.5.0-2 | 10.5.0-4 unstable | gcc-10-cross-ports | gcc-10 | 10.2.0-3 | 10.5.0-4 unstable | gcc-10-cross-ports | gcc-10 | 10.5.0-1 | 10.5.0-4 unstable | gcc-11-cross | gcc-11 | 11.4.0-5 | 11.4.0-9 unstable | gcc-11-cross-mipsen | gcc-11 | 11.4.0-2 | 11.4.0-9 unstable | gcc-11-cross-ports | gcc-11 | 11.4.0-5 | 11.4.0-9 unstable | gcc-12-cross | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-11 | 12.3.0-17 unstable | gcc-12-cross-mipsen | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-6 | 12.3.0-17 unstable | gcc-12-cross-ports | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-11 | 12.3.0-17 unstable | gcc-13-cross | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-12 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-13-cross-mipsen | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-10 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-13-cross-ports | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-13 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-14-cross | gcc-14 | 14-20240127-1 | 14-20240330-1 unstable | gcc-14-cross-ports | gcc-14 | 14-20240201-3 | 14-20240330-1 unstable | gcc-9-cross | gcc-9 | 9.5.0-4 | 9.5.0-6 unstable | gcc-9-cross-mipsen | gcc-9 | 9.3.0-8 | 9.5.0-6 unstable | gcc-9-cross-ports | gcc-9 | 9.5.0-4 | 9.5.0-6 unstable | gcc-mingw-w64 | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-18 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-mingw-w64 | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-19 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-mingw-w64 | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-21 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-or1k-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-2 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-or1k-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-10 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-9 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-10 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-sh-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-1 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-sh-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-2 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-sh-elf | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-10 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-xtensa | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-5 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-xtensa | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-6 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gcc-xtensa | gcc-13 | 13.2.0-10 | 13.2.0-23 unstable | gdu | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gdu | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gdu | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gdu | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | ggd-utils | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ggd-utils | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ggd-utils | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | ggd-utils | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | ggd-utils | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 unstable | ghdl | gcc-12 | 12.2.0-14 | 12.3.0-17 unstable | ghdl | gcc-12 | 12.3.0-9 | 12.3.0-17 unstable | gi-docgen | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | giada | juce | 7.0.5+ds-1 | 7.0.5+ds-2 unstable | gifwrap | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gifwrap | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gifwrap | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gifwrap | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | git-credential-azure | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | git-credential-azure | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | git-credential-azure | golang-github-cli-browser | 1.2.0-1 | 1.3.0-1 unstable | git-credential-azure | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | git-credential-oauth | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | git-delta | rust-palette | 0.7.3+dfsg-2 | 0.7.5-1 unstable | git-delta | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | git-lfs | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | git-lfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | git-lfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | git-sizer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | git-sizer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | git-sizer | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | git-sizer | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config | 1.0-2 | 1.2.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gitbatch | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gitlab | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | gitlab | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | 2.12.0-2 | 2.13.0-1 unstable | gitlab | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.10.0+ds1-1 | 1.11.0+ds1-1 unstable | gitlab | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gitlab | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gitlab | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitlab | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | containerd | 1.4.5~ds1-1 | 1.6.24~ds1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | containerd | 1.4.5~ds1-2 | 1.6.24~ds1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | docker-registry | 2.7.1+ds2-7 | 2.8.2+ds1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | docker-registry | 2.8.1+ds1-2 | 2.8.2+ds1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | docker.io | 20.10.5+dfsg1-1 | 20.10.25+dfsg1-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | docker.io | 20.10.23+dfsg1-1 | 20.10.25+dfsg1-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.0+ds-5 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-blackfriday-v2 | 2.0.1-3 | 2.1.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-azure-go-autorest | 14.1.1-1 | 14.2.0+git20220726.711dde1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-bmatcuk-doublestar | 2.0.4-1 | 4.6.1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-bmatcuk-doublestar | 2.0.4-2 | 4.6.1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-davecgh-go-spew | 1.1.1-2 | 1.1.1-3 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers | 0.6.3-1 | 0.6.4+ds1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-docker-go-connections | 0.4.0-3 | 0.4.0-4 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-docker-go-units | 0.4.0-3 | 0.4.0-4 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-getsentry-sentry-go | 0.11.0-1 | 0.24.1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-golang-groupcache | 0.0~git20200121.8c9f03a-1 | 0.0~git20210331.41bb18b-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-golang-groupcache | 0.0~git20200121.8c9f03a-2 | 0.0~git20210331.41bb18b-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt | 4.4.3-1 | 5.0.0+really4.5.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-googleapis-gax-go | 2.0.5-1 | 2.0.5-4 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-googleapis-gnostic | 0.2.0-2 | 0.2.0-4 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.7.4-1 | 1.8.1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.4.2-1 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-hashicorp-go-version | 1.2.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-hashicorp-go-version | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.8-3 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.10-2 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.15.12+ds1-3 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.3-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7 | 7.0.46-1 | 7.0.67-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-minio-sha256-simd | 0.1.1-1 | 1.0.1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-minio-sha256-simd | 1.0.0-1 | 1.0.1-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-moby-term | 0.0~git20221120.abb1982-1 | 0.0~git20230502.9c3c875-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-modern-go-reflect2 | 1.0.1-1 | 1.0.2-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-opencontainers-go-digest | 1.0.0-1 | 1.0.0-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.0.1-5 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc2-1 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-pierrec-lz4 | 2.5.2-2 | 4.1.18-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-pkg-errors | 0.9.1-1 | 0.9.1-3 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-pkg-errors | 0.9.1-2 | 0.9.1-3 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.2.0-2 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.3.0-3 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.15.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.39.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.3.0-2 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.8.0-3 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-rs-xid | 1.4.0-1 | 1.5.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-shurcool-sanitized-anchor-name | 1.0.0-1 | 1.0.0-3 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-spf13-pflag | 1.0.5-2 | 1.0.6~git20210604-d5e0c0615ace-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.4-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.4.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-go.opencensus | 0.22.4-2 | 0.24.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-gocloud | 0.23.0-1 | 0.26.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-gogoprotobuf | 1.3.2-1 | 1.3.2-3 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.0+git20210119.5f4716e+dfsg-4 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.7.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.0~git20190604.0f29369-2 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.3.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.0~git20210220.036812b-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.1.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.3.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-term | 0.0~git20201210.2321bbc-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-term | 0.3.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-text | 0.3.6-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-text | 0.7.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-time | 0.0+git20200630.3af7569-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-golang-x-xerrors | 0.0~git20200804.5ec99f8-1 | 0.0~git20231012.104605a-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-google-api | 0.28.0-2 | 0.61.0-4 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-google-api | 0.61.0-1 | 0.61.0-4 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-google-cloud | 0.56.0-1 | 0.56.0-3 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-google-genproto | 0.0~git20200413.b5235f6-1 | 0.0~git20200413.b5235f6-3 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-google-grpc | 1.27.1-1 | 1.38.0+really1.33.3-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-google-grpc | 1.33.3-2 | 1.38.0+really1.33.3-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-google-protobuf | 1.28.1-3 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-gopkg-inf.v0 | 0.9.1-1 | 0.9.1-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-gopkg-ini.v1 | 1.57.0-1 | 1.67.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-gopkg-ini.v1 | 1.66.2-1 | 1.67.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-gopkg-yaml.v3 | 3.0.0~git20200121.a6ecf24-3 | 3.0.1-3 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-logrus | 1.7.0-2 | 1.9.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-objx | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-protobuf-extensions | 1.0.1-1 | 1.0.4-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-protobuf-extensions | 1.0.1-3 | 1.0.4-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-pty | 1.1.6-1 | 1.1.6-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-raven-go | 0.0~git20150721.0.74c334d-5 | 0.2.0+ds2-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-testify | 1.6.1-2 | 1.8.4-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-testify | 1.8.1-1 | 1.8.4-1 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-toml | 0.3.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-toml | 1.2.0-2 | 1.3.2-2 unstable | gitlab-ci-multi-runner | golang-yaml.v2 | 2.4.0-1 | 2.4.0-4 unstable | gitlab-shell | gitaly | 16.6.5+ds1-7 | 16.8.2+ds3-2 unstable | gitlab-shell | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gitlab-shell | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | gitlab-shell | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gitlab-shell | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gitlab-shell | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitlab-shell | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gitlab-shell | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gitleaks | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | glab | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | glab | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | glab | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | glab | golang-github-zalando-go-keyring | 0.2.3-1 | 0.2.4-1 unstable | glab | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | glab | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | glab | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | glab | golang-k8s-utils | 0.0~git20240102.e7106e6-1 | 0.0~git20240310.4693a02-1 unstable | gnat-gps | sphinx | 1.8.5-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | gnss-share | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | go-containerregistry | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | go-cve-dictionary | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | go-exploitdb | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | go-mmproxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-mmproxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-mtpfs | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-mtpfs | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-mtpfs | golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse | 2.1.0+git20220822.58a7e14-1 | 2.4.2-2 unstable | go-mtpfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | go-mtpfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | go-qrcode | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-qrcode | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-rpmdb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-rpmdb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | go-rpmdb | golang-golang-x-xerrors | 0.0~git20200804.5ec99f8-1 | 0.0~git20231012.104605a-1 unstable | go-sendxmpp | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | gobgp | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | gobuster | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-github-pin-tftp | 3.0.0-1 | 3.1.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gobuster | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gocc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gocc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gocc | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | gocc | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse | 2.1.0+git20220822.58a7e14-1 | 2.4.2-2 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gocryptfs | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | goiardi | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | goiardi | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | goiardi | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | goiardi | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | goiardi | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | goiardi | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | goiardi | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | goiardi | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | goiardi | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | goiardi | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gokey | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gokey | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gokey | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gokey | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gokey | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gokey | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gokey | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gokey | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-android-soong | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-android-soong | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-bindata | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-bindata | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-connectrpc-connect | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-connectrpc-connect | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-connectrpc-connect | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-connectrpc-connect | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-dms | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | 1.1.6-1 | 1.1.9-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-avast-apkverifier | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-avast-apkverifier | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-axgle-mahonia | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-axgle-mahonia | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-github-gorilla-css | 1.0.0-3 | 1.0.1-1 unstable | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-aymerick-douceur | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-benbjohnson-tmpl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-bmatsuo-lmdb-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.4.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cavaliergopher-grab | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cavaliergopher-grab | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.48.1+ds1-2 | 1.51.0+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.50.2+ds1-2 | 1.51.0+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-3 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-4 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-checkpoint-restore-checkpointctl | runc | 1.1.12+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-cheekybits-genny | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-github-jmhodges-clock | 1.0-3.1 | 1.1-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-github-hashicorp-go-uuid | 1.0.2-2 | 1.0.3-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-colinmarc-hdfs | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | containerd | 1.6.20~ds1-2 | 1.6.24~ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-coreos-bbolt | 1.3.6-2 | 1.3.8-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse | 2.1.0+git20220822.58a7e14-1 | 2.4.2-2 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-gogottrpc | 1.1.1-1 | 1.1.2-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter | runc | 1.1.12+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-containernetworking-plugins | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-containernetworking-plugins | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containernetworking-plugins | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | golang-github-containers-buildah | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-dnsname | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-dnsname | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-dnsname | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-dnsname | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-github-aead-serpent | 0.1-1 | 0.1-2 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-luksy | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-storage | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-containers-storage | runc | 1.1.10+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-coreos-discovery-etcd-io | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.18~ds1-1 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-cowsql-go-cowsql | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-crc-org-crc | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | golang-github-dataence-porter2 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-dataence-porter2 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-dcso-bloom | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | golang-github-dcso-bloom | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | golang-github-dcso-bloom | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-dcso-bloom | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-dcso-bloom | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-dnstap-golang-dnstap | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-eknkc-amber | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-eknkc-amber | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth | golang-github-emersion-go-message | 0.15.0-1 | 0.17.0-1 unstable | golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-emersion-go-msgauth | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-evanw-esbuild | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | golang-github-fernet-fernet-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-fernet-fernet-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-ffuf-pencode | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | golang-github-francoispqt-gojay | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-glendc-go-external-ip | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-glendc-go-external-ip | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.3-1 | 1.3.7-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-go-git-go-billy | 5.3.1-3 | 5.5.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-go-git-go-git | 5.4.2-3 | 5.4.2-4 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config | 1.0-2 | 1.2.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1 | 0.0~git20231006.7918f67-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-go-enry-go-license-detector | golang-gonum-v1-gonum | 0.14.0-1 | 0.15.0-2 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.6-1 | 1.3.7-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-go-git-go-billy | 5.3.1-3 | 5.5.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config | 1.0-2 | 1.2.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | 1.11.0-1 | 1.12.0-3 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-git-go-git | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-go-jose-go-jose | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | golang-github-go-jose-go-jose | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-jwt-jwt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.5.6-1 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.6.0-1 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-mock | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-3 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-3 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-google-blueprint | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-google-blueprint | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-google-wire | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-google-wire | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-google-wire | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-google-wire | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-google-wire | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-google-wire | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-google-wire | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-googleapis-enterprise-certificate-proxy | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-gucumber-gucumber | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-gucumber-gucumber | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-github-armon-go-radix | 1.0.0-2 | 1.0.0+git20221118.54df44f-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-serf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-hhatto-gorst | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-hhatto-gorst | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-humanlogio-humanlog | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-inetaf-tcpproxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-influxdata-yarpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-influxdata-yarpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 unstable | golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-katalix-go-l2tp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-mailru-easyjson | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-mailru-easyjson | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-mendersoftware-mender-artifact | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-micromdm-scep | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-micromdm-scep | golang-github-go-kit-kit | 0.10.0-5 | 0.10.0-6 unstable | golang-github-micromdm-scep | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 unstable | golang-github-mightyguava-jl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-mightyguava-jl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-mightyguava-jl | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | golang-github-mightyguava-jl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-mightyguava-jl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-mozillazg-go-pinyin | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-muka-go-bluetooth | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-odeke-em-cli-spinner | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-onsi-ginkgo-v2 | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.18.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | containerd | 1.6.20~ds1-2 | 1.6.24~ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.48.1+ds1-2 | 1.51.0+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder | runc | 1.1.12+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-pointlander-peg | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-pointlander-peg | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.11.0-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-github-prometheus-community-pgbouncer-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-rakyll-statik | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-rakyll-statik | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-rsc-devweb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-rsc-devweb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-armon-go-radix | 1.0.0-2 | 1.0.0+git20221118.54df44f-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-sebest-xff | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-sebest-xff | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-sebest-xff | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 unstable | golang-github-segmentio-ksuid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-segmentio-ksuid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-smallstep-truststore | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-smallstep-truststore | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.3-1 | 1.3.7-1 unstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-sylabs-sif | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.13.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.14.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-tinylib-msgp | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-ugorji-go-codec | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-github-varlink-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-varlink-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-vbatts-tar-split | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-github-vincent-petithory-dataurl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-vincent-petithory-dataurl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-xo-terminfo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-xo-terminfo | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 unstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | etcd | 3.4.23-6 | 3.4.30-1 unstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-xordataexchange-crypt | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-github-yosssi-ace | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-yosssi-ace | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-github-yosssi-ace | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-github-yosssi-ace | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-gogoprotobuf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-gogoprotobuf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-gogoprotobuf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-gogottrpc | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-glog | 0.0~git20160126.23def4e-5 | 1.1.2-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-google-grpc | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1 | 0.0~git20231006.7918f67-1 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | golang-gvisor-gvisor | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-honnef-go-tools | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-honnef-go-tools | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-honnef-go-tools | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-honnef-go-tools | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer | 1:0.19.6-1 | 1:0.20.2-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-github-go-openapi-swag | 1:0.22.4-1 | 1:0.22.8-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-github-kubernetes-gengo | 0.0~git20210915.39e73c8-2 | 0.0~git20230829.9cce18d-2 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.15.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.18.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-k8s-sigs-structured-merge-diff | 4.1.2+ds1-2 | 4.4.1+ds1-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-k8s-utils | 0.0~git20230726.3b25d92-1 | 0.0~git20240310.4693a02-1 unstable | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | golang-k8s-utils | 0.0~git20240102.e7106e6-1 | 0.0~git20240310.4693a02-1 unstable | golang-mvdan-sh | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-mvdan-sh | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-mvdan-sh | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-pault-go-ykpiv | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-pault-go-ykpiv | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-pault-go-ykpiv | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-pault-go-ykpiv | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-petname | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-petname | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-sourcehut-emersion-gqlclient | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-sourcehut-emersion-gqlclient | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-v2ray-core | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | golang-v2ray-core | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | golang-v2ray-core | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | golang-v2ray-core | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | golang-v2ray-core | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gomuks | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | google-guest-agent | golang-google-api | 0.61.0-1 | 0.61.0-4 unstable | gopass | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gopass | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gopass | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | gopass | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gopass | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gopass | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gopass | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gosop | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | gosop | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gosop | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gosop | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gosop | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gost | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gost | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gost | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | gost | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 unstable | gost | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | gost | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | gost | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | gost | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | gost | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gost | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | gost | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gost | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | gost | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | gost | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 unstable | gosu | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gosu | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gosu | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gosu | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gosu | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | gotestsum | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | goval-dictionary | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | govarnam | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | govarnam | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gox | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gox | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | goxkcdpwgen | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | goxkcdpwgen | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gprbuild | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | gprbuild | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | gron | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gron | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | gsort | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gsort | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | gsort | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | gsort | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | gsort | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 unstable | guice | asm | 9.0-1 | 9.7-1 unstable | guice | cglib | 3.2.12-1 | 3.3.0-1 unstable | h5py | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.14.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.17.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | hcloud-cli | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | heartbleeder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | heartbleeder | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hellfire | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hellfire | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hey | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hey | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hhsuite | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | hisat2 | simde | 0.7.2-6 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | hisat2 | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | hjson-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hjson-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hub | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hub | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hub | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | hub | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | hub | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | hub | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | hub | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | hub | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hub | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hub | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hub | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hub | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | hub | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | hub | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 unstable | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hugo-mx-gateway | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | hut | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hut | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | hut | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | hut | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hut | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hut | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hut | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | hut | golang-sourcehut-emersion-go-scfg | 0.0~git20230924.0701f91-1 | 0.0~git20231211.0b4e72d-1 unstable | icingadb | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | iem-plugin-suite | juce | 7.0.5+ds-1 | 7.0.5+ds-2 unstable | ignition | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ignition | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ignition | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.45.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | ignition | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | ignition | golang-github-beevik-etree | 1.2.0-1 | 1.3.0-1 unstable | ignition | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | ignition | golang-github-pin-tftp | 3.0.0-1 | 3.1.0-1 unstable | ignition | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | ignition | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | ignition | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | ignition | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | ignition | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | ignition | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | ignition | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | ignition | golang-google-api | 0.61.0-1 | 0.61.0-4 unstable | incus | gobgp | 3.23.0-1 | 3.25.0-1 unstable | incus | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | influxdb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | influxdb | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | influxdb | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | intake | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | invidtui | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | invidtui | golang-github-darkhz-mpvipc | 0.0~git20231124.eb73ba4-1 | 0.0~git20231124.eb73ba4-2 unstable | invidtui | golang-github-davidmytton-url-verifier | 1.0.0-1 | 1.0.0-2 unstable | invidtui | golang-github-etherlabsio-go-m3u8 | 1.0.0-1 | 1.0.0-2 unstable | invidtui | golang-github-gammazero-deque | 0.2.1-1 | 0.2.1-2 unstable | ipp-usb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ipp-usb | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | irtt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | irtt | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | irtt | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | jid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | jid | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | jid | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | jid | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | jid | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | jid | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | jp | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | jp | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | jp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | jp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | jp | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | jqp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | jqp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | jqp | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | 2.9.1-1 | 2.13.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | 2.12.0-1 | 2.13.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.10.0+ds1-1 | 1.11.0+ds1-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | jqp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | jqp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | json2file-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | jupyter-console | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | jupyter-core | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | jupyter-notebook | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | kappanhang | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kappanhang | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kappanhang | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | kappanhang | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | kappanhang | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kappanhang | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kcov | binutils | 2.34-2 | 2.42-4 unstable | kcov | binutils | 2.35.2-2 | 2.42-4 unstable | kcptun | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | kcptun | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.5-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kcptun | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kcptun | gopacket | 1.1.19-3 | 1.1.19-6 unstable | kcptun | gopacket | 1.1.19-4 | 1.1.19-6 unstable | kel-agent | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kel-agent | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kel-agent | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | kel-agent | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | kel-agent | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | kel-agent | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kel-agent | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | khmer | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | kitty | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | kitty | golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-v2 | 2.12.0-2 | 2.13.0-1 unstable | kitty | golang-github-dlclark-regexp2 | 1.10.0+ds1-1 | 1.11.0+ds1-1 unstable | kitty | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kitty | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | kmc | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | kubecolor | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kubecolor | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kubecolor | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | kubecolor | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | kubecolor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kubecolor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kubectx | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | kubectx | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | kubectx | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kubectx | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kubectx | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | kubernetes-split-yaml | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | kubernetes-split-yaml | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | kubernetes-split-yaml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kubernetes-split-yaml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | kubernetes-split-yaml | golang-github-urfave-cli-v2 | 2.3.0-2 | 2.3.0-3 unstable | kubernetes-split-yaml | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | kubernetes-split-yaml | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | last-align | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | lazr.config | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | lf | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | lf | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | lf | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | lf | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | libaunit | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libaws | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libcbor | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libcbor | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libcork | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libcorkipset | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libevdev | doxygen | 1.9.4-4 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | libgnatcoll | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libgnatcoll | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libgnatcoll-db | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libgnatcoll-db | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libgtkada | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | liborcus | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libpdfbox-java | htmldoc | 1.9.17-1 | 1.9.18-1 unstable | libpod | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | libpod | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | libtemplates-parser | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libvigraimpex | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libxmlada | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | libxmlada | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | lief | easyloggingpp | 9.97.0+dfsg-1 | 9.97.1+dfsg-1 unstable | lief | nlohmann-json3 | 3.11.2-2 | 3.11.3-1 unstable | linux-signed-i386 | linux | 6.5.13-1 | 6.7.9-2 unstable | lltsv | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | lltsv | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | lltsv | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | lmfit-py | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | lmod | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | lookatme | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | lumin | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | lumin | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | lxd | gobgp | 3.23.0-1 | 3.25.0-1 unstable | lxd | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | macsyfinder | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | madonctl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | madonctl | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | madonctl | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | matrix-synapse | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | matrix-synapse | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | matrix-synapse | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | mcstrans | libsepol | 3.5-1 | 3.5-2 unstable | mender-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | mender-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | mender-client | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | mender-client | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | mender-client | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mender-client | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mender-connect | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | mender-connect | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | mender-connect | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | micro | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | micro | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | micro | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 unstable | micro | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | micro | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | micro | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | micro | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | micro | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | micropython | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | minica | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | minica | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | minica | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | minica | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | minica | golang-pault-go-debian | 0.9-2 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | minica | golang-pault-go-topsort | 0.0~git20160529.f98d2ad-2 | 0.1.1-1 unstable | mir-eval | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | mirrorbits | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | mirrorbits | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | mirrorbits | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | mirrorbits | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | mirrorbits | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mirrorbits | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mirrorbits | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | mkcert | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | mkcert | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | mkcert | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | mkcert | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | mkcert | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | mkcert | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | mkcert | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | mkcert | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | mmlib | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | mmseqs2 | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | mockery | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | mockery | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | mockery | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | mockery | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | mockery | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.12.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | mockery | golang-golang-x-tools | 1:0.17.0+ds-1 | 1:0.19.0+ds-1 unstable | mopidy | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | mopidy-dleyna | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | mopidy-podcast | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | morty | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | morty | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | morty | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | morty | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | mtail | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | mutagen | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | mystic | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | nanovna-saver | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | nats-server | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | nats-server | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | nats-server | golang-github-nats-io-nkeys | 0.4.6-1 | 0.4.7-1 unstable | nats-server | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | nats-server | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | nbformat | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | nbsphinx | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-gin-gonic-gin | 1.8.1-1 | 1.8.1-2 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.5-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-github-shirou-gopsutil | 3.22.10-1 | 3.24.1-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | ncbi-entrez-direct | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | nebula | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | nebula | golang-github-armon-go-radix | 1.0.0-2 | 1.0.0+git20221118.54df44f-1 unstable | nebula | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | nebula | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | nebula | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | nebula | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | nebula | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | nebula | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | nebula | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | nebula | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | nebula | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | nebula | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | nextcloud-desktop | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-nats-io-nkeys | 0.4.6-1 | 0.4.7-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | nipy | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | nncp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | nncp | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | nncp | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | nncp | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | nncp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | nncp | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | nncp | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | nncp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | nncp | yggdrasil | 0.5.5-1 | 0.5.5-2 unstable | nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | nose2 | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | notary | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | notary | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | notary | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-bugsnag-bugsnag-go | 1.7.0-2 | 2.2.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | notary | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 unstable | notary | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | notary | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | notary | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | notary | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | notary | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | notary | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | obfs4proxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | obfs4proxy | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | obfs4proxy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | obfs4proxy | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | obfs4proxy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | obfs4proxy | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | obfs4proxy | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | obs-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | obs-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | obs-cli | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | obs-cli | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | obs-studio | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | oci-image-tools | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | oci-image-tools | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | oci-image-tools | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | oci-image-tools | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | oci-image-tools | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | oci-image-tools | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | oci-image-tools | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | oci-image-tools | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | oci-seccomp-bpf-hook | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | oci-seccomp-bpf-hook | golang-github-containers-common | 0.55.4+ds1-3 | 0.57.4+ds1-2 unstable | oci-seccomp-bpf-hook | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | opensmtpd-filter-rspamd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | opensmtpd-filter-rspamd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | opensmtpd-filter-senderscore | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | opensmtpd-filter-senderscore | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | opensnitch | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | opensnitch | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | opensnitch | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | opensnitch | gopacket | 1.1.19-4 | 1.1.19-6 unstable | opgpcard | alabaster | 0.7.8-1.1 | 0.7.12-1 unstable | opgpcard | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | orthanc-dicomweb | orthanc | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 | 1.12.3+dfsg-2 unstable | orthanc-gdcm | orthanc | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 | 1.12.3+dfsg-2 unstable | orthanc-mysql | orthanc | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 | 1.12.3+dfsg-2 unstable | orthanc-neuro | orthanc | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 | 1.12.3+dfsg-2 unstable | orthanc-postgresql | orthanc | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 | 1.12.3+dfsg-2 unstable | orthanc-webviewer | orthanc | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 | 1.12.3+dfsg-2 unstable | orthanc-wsi | orthanc | 1.12.2+dfsg-1 | 1.12.3+dfsg-2 unstable | oxigraph | rust-oxhttp | 0.1.7-1 | 0.2.0-1 unstable | oxigraph | rust-oxilangtag | 0.1.3-6 | 0.1.5-1 unstable | oxigraph | rust-oxiri | 0.2.2-6 | 0.2.3-1 unstable | oxigraph | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | panoramisk | sphinx | 3.5.4-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pat | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pat | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pat | golang-github-gorilla-css | 1.0.0-3 | 1.0.1-1 unstable | pat | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | pat | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | pat | golang-github-la5nta-wl2k-go | 0.11.4-1 | 0.11.8-1 unstable | pat | golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday | 1.0.24-1 | 1.0.26-1 unstable | pat | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pat | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pat | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | pat | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | pat | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pat | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pat | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pat | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pathos | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pd-ableton-link | ableton-link | 3.0.6+dfsg-4 | 3.1.1+dfsg-1 unstable | pebble | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pebble | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pebble | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | pebble | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pebble | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pebble | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | pebble | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | pebble | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pebble | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | peco | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | peco | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pelican | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pexpect | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | phcpack | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | phcpack | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pinfish | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pinfish | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | pk4 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pk4 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pk4 | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pk4 | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pk4 | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | pk4 | golang-pault-go-debian | 0.9-2 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | pk4 | golang-pault-go-topsort | 0.0~git20160529.f98d2ad-2 | 0.1.1-1 unstable | plast | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | plink2 | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20181203.505ab14-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.0~git20201221.eec23a3-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20181228.9a3f9b0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.0~git20210124.22da62e-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-golang-x-term | 0.0~git20201210.2321bbc-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pluginhook | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | png2svg | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | png2svg | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | png2svg | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pocl | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pollen | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | precious | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | prometheus | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-github-hashicorp-golang-lru-v2 | 2.0.7-1 | 2.0.7-2 unstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.15.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-alertmanager | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-apache-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-bind-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-bird-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-blackbox-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-exporter-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-frr-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-frr-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-frr-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-frr-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-frr-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-frr-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.10.0-2 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.11.0-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.3.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-hacluster-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-haproxy-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-homeplug-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.11.0-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | prometheus-ipmi-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-libvirt-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mailexporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mongodb-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-go-kit-kit | 0.10.0-5 | 0.10.0-6 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit | 0.11.0-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | prometheus-mqtt-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-mysqld-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-nextcloud-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-nginx-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-node-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postfix-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-postgres-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-process-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.50.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-pushgateway | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-redis-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-smokeping-prober | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-snmp-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-sql-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.51.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-squid-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-tplink-plug-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | prometheus-varnish-exporter | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | pup | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pup | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | pup | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | pup | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | pup | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | pup | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | pup | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pup | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | pup | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | pup | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | pybind11 | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pybtex | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pyina | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pyliblo | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pymupdf | mupdf | 1.23.6+ds1-1 | 1.23.10+ds1-1 unstable | pymupdf | mupdf | 1.23.7+ds1-1 | 1.23.10+ds1-1 unstable | pynauty | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pynfft | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pysoundfile | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pytest-dependency | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pytest-mpi | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-agate | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-agate-dbf | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-agate-sql | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-aioresponses | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-aiortc | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-ase | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-async-generator | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-can | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-cryptography | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-dbfread | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-dtcwt | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-duniterpy | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-evdev | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-funcy | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-imageio | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-intbitset | sphinx | 4.2.0-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-latexcodec | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-midiutil | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-mockito | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-mpd | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-opentracing | sphinx | 3.3.1-1 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-peachpy | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-prov | sphinx | 4.3.2-1 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-ptk | sphinx | 5.3.0-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-pybedtools | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-pyepsg | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-pymeasure | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-rpaths | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-scrapy | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-screed | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-semantic-release | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-skbio | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-sybil | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-trio-websocket | sphinx | 5.3.0-7 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-uritools | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python-zstandard | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python3-defaults | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | python3-defaults | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pythondialog | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | pytsk | sleuthkit | 4.12.1+dfsg-1.1 | 4.12.1+dfsg-2 unstable | pyzo | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | qemu | gcc-14 | 14-20240315-1 | 14-20240330-1 unstable | qemu | glibc | 2.37-15.1 | 2.37-17 unstable | qrterminal | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | qrterminal | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | qrterminal | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | qrterminal | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | qrterminal | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | qwertone | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | qwertone | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | ratt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ratt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | ratt | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | ratt | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | ratt | golang-pault-go-debian | 0.9-2 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | ratt | golang-pault-go-topsort | 0.0~git20160529.f98d2ad-2 | 0.1.1-1 unstable | rawdns | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | rawdns | golang-github-miekg-dns | 1.1.50-2 | 1.1.58-1 unstable | rawdns | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | rawdns | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | raxml | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | rclone | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | rclone | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | rclone | golang-1.21 | 1.21.4-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | rclone | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.45.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | rclone | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.48.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | rclone | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.6-1 | 1.3.7-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-hanwen-go-fuse | 2.1.0+git20220822.58a7e14-1 | 2.4.2-2 unstable | rclone | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-pkg-sftp | 1.13.5-2 | 1.13.6-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-shirou-gopsutil | 3.22.10-1 | 3.24.1-1 unstable | rclone | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.14.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.17.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-oauth2 | 0.4.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.4.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-term | 0.13.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | rclone | golang-golang-x-time | 0.3.0-1 | 0.5.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-google-api | 0.61.0-1 | 0.61.0-4 unstable | rclone | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | rclone | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | re2 | unicode-data | 15.0.0-1 | 15.1.0-1 unstable | receptor | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | receptor | golang-github-go-openapi-jsonpointer | 1:0.19.6-1 | 1:0.20.2-1 unstable | receptor | golang-github-go-openapi-swag | 1:0.22.4-1 | 1:0.22.8-1 unstable | receptor | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | receptor | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | receptor | golang-github-rogpeppe-go-internal | 1.12.0-1 | 1.12.0-3 unstable | receptor | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | receptor | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | receptor | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | receptor | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | receptor | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | receptor | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | receptor | golang-k8s-kube-openapi | 0.0~git20231214.ab13479-1 | 0.0~git20231214.ab13479-2 unstable | receptor | golang-k8s-utils | 0.0~git20240102.e7106e6-1 | 0.0~git20240310.4693a02-1 unstable | receptor | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | reflex | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | reflex | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | reflex | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | reflex | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 unstable | reflex | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | reflex | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | reposurgeon | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | reposurgeon | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | reposurgeon | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | reposurgeon | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | restic | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | restic | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | restic | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | restic | golang-github-hashicorp-golang-lru-v2 | 2.0.1-2 | 2.0.7-2 unstable | restic | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | restic | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | restic | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | restic | golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7 | 7.0.66-1 | 7.0.67-1 unstable | restic | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | restic | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | restic | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | restic | golang-golang-x-term | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | restic | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | riseup-vpn | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | rmlint | sphinx | 5.3.0-6 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | robustirc-bridge | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | robustirc-bridge | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | rootlesskit | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | rootlesskit | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-1.21 | 1.21.7-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-github-moby-sys | 0.0~git20220606.416188a-1 | 0.0~git20231105.a4e0878-1 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-github-urfave-cli-v2 | 2.3.0-2 | 2.3.0-3 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | rootlesskit | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | rsass | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | runc | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | runc | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | runc | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | runc | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | rust-alacritty | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-b3sum | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-bat | rust-ansi-colours | 1.1.1-1 | 1.2.2-1 unstable | rust-bat | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-bindgen-cli | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-bkt | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-brotli | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-auditable | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-1 | 0.7.8-1 unstable | rust-cargo-auditable | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-binutils | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-c | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-c | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-c | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-debstatus | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-debstatus | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-debstatus | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-lichking | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-lock | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-mutants | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-outdated | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-outdated | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cargo-outdated | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cbindgen | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-cid-npm | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-condure | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-condure | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-condure | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-debcargo | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-debcargo | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-debcargo | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-dfrs | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-difference | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-diffr | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-dotenv | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-droid-juicer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-elfx86exts | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-erbium | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-1 | 0.7.8-1 unstable | rust-erbium | rust-async-executor | 1.5.4-2 | 1.5.4-3 unstable | rust-erbium | rust-async-std | 1.12.0-15 | 1.12.0-17 unstable | rust-erbium | rust-async-task | 4.5.0-1.1 | 4.7.0-3 unstable | rust-erbium | rust-blocking | 1.3.1-2 | 1.4.0-1 unstable | rust-erbium | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-fd-find | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-fd-find | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-filespooler | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-git-absorb | rust-slog-term | 2.6.0-1 | 2.9.0-1 unstable | rust-git-absorb | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-gping | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-grcov | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-hexyl | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-hyperfine | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-just | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-kmon | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-lalrpop | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-laurel | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-libslirp | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-lscolors | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-lsd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-markdown | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-netr | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-nitrocli | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-ntpd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-parsec-service | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-parsec-service | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-parsec-service | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-pikchr | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-pleaser | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-process-viewer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-process-viewer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-process-viewer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-protobuf-codegen | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-proton-call | rustc | 1.63.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-proton-call | rustc | 1.66.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-pulldown-cmark | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-regalloc2 | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 unstable | rust-regalloc2 | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-regalloc2 | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-6 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-repro-env | rust-buffered-reader | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1 unstable | rust-repro-env | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.18.0-1 | 1.20.0-1 unstable | rust-repro-env | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-resource-proof | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-ripasso-cursive | rust-buffered-reader | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1 unstable | rust-ripasso-cursive | rust-ripasso | 0.6.5-1 | 0.6.5-2 unstable | rust-ripasso-cursive | rust-sequoia-ipc | 0.31.0-1 | 0.34.1-1 unstable | rust-ripasso-cursive | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.19.0-1 | 1.20.0-1 unstable | rust-ripasso-cursive | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-ripasso-cursive | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-ripcalc | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-ripgrep | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-rockusb | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-rust-code-analysis-cli | rustc | 1.48.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-rustdoc-stripper | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-rustfilt | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-rusty-tags | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-keyring-linter | rust-buffered-reader | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-keyring-linter | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.19.0-1 | 1.20.0-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-keyring-linter | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-keyring-linter | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-keyring-linter | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-sop | rust-buffered-reader | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-sop | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.19.0-1 | 1.20.0-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-sq | rust-buffered-reader | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-sq | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.19.0-1 | 1.20.0-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-sq | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-sq | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-sq | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-sqv | rust-buffered-reader | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-sqv | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.19.0-1 | 1.20.0-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-sqv | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-sqv | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-sqv | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-wot | rust-buffered-reader | 1.3.0-1 | 1.3.1-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-wot | rust-sequoia-openpgp | 1.19.0-1 | 1.20.0-1 unstable | rust-sequoia-wot | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-wot | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sequoia-wot | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sha1collisiondetection | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sniffglue | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-speakersafetyd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sudo-rs | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-sudo-rs | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-6 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-tealdeer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-tealdeer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-tealdeer | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-tre-command | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-tree-sitter-cli | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-ucd-generate | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-virtiofsd | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-vivid | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-vivid | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-vivid | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-xml-rs | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-zoxide | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-zoxide | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-zoxide | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rust-zram-generator | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.6-13 | 0.7.8-1 unstable | rust-zram-generator | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rustup | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | rustup | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | safe-rm | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | safe-rm | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | safe-vdash | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-2 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | sagemath | sphinx | 5.3.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | salmon | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | salt | sphinx | 4.5.0-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | sash | glibc | 2.37-12 | 2.37-17 unstable | sash | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-17 unstable | sash | zlib | 1:1.2.13.dfsg-3 | 1:1.3.dfsg-3.1 unstable | sash | zlib | 1:1.3.dfsg-3 | 1:1.3.dfsg-3.1 unstable | sccache | rustc | 1.66.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | sccache | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-7 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | sccache | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | sccache | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-8.1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | secsipidx | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | selinux-python | libsepol | 3.5-1 | 3.5-2 unstable | seqkit | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | seqkit | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | seqkit | golang-github-shenwei356-util | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 unstable | seqkit | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | seqkit | golang-golang-x-image | 0.14.0-1 | 0.15.0-1 unstable | seqkit | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | seqkit | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | settle | rust-ahash-0.7 | 0.7.7-2 | 0.7.8-1 unstable | settle | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | shaderc | glslang | 14.0.0-2 | 14.1.0-1 unstable | shaderc | spirv-tools | 2023.6~rc1-2 | 2024.1-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic-go | 0.37.4-1 | 0.38.2-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-golang-x-exp | 0.0~git20230522.2e198f4-1 | 0.0~git20231006.7918f67-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | shadowsocks-v2ray-plugin | golang-v2ray-core | 4.34.0+ds-3 | 4.34.0+ds-4 unstable | shasta | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | shoelaces | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | shoelaces | golang-github-go-kit-kit | 0.10.0-5 | 0.10.0-6 unstable | sia | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | sia | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | sia | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | sia | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | sia | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | sia | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | sia | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | sia | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | signond | doxygen | 1.9.1-2 | 1.9.8+ds-2 unstable | sigsum-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | sigsum-go | golang-github-dchest-safefile | 0.0~git20151022.0.855e8d9-1.1 | 0.0~git20151022.0.855e8d9-2 unstable | sigsum-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | sigsum-go | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | singularity-container | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-cilium-ebpf | 0.9.1-1 | 0.11.0-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-container-orchestrated-devices-container-device-interface | 0.6.1-2 | 0.6.2-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-containers-common | 0.56.0+ds1-4 | 0.57.4+ds1-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-containers-image | 5.28.0-4 | 5.29.2-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-containers-storage | 1.50.2+ds1-2 | 1.51.0+ds1-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.18~ds1-1 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.46.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-secure-systems-lab-go-securesystemslib | 0.7.0-3 | 0.8.0-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-github-sigstore-sigstore | 1.7.5-1 | 1.8.0-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-golang-x-mod | 0.14.0-1 | 0.16.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | singularity-container | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | golang-mvdan-sh | 3.7.0-1 | 3.8.0-1 unstable | singularity-container | runc | 1.1.10+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | sioyek | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | six | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | skeema | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | skopeo | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | skopeo | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | skopeo | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | skopeo | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | skopeo | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | skopeo | golang-golang-x-term | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | slinkwatch | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | slinkwatch | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | slinkwatch | golang-github-shirou-gopsutil | 3.22.10-1 | 3.24.1-1 unstable | slinkwatch | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | slinkwatch | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | slt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | slt | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | snowflake | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | snowflake | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | snowflake | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | snowflake | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | snowflake | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | snowflake | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | snowflake | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | snowflake | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | soju | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | soju | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | soju | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.18~ds1-1 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | soju | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | soju | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | soju | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | soju | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | soju | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | soju | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | soju | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | soju | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | sortedcontainers | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | sphinx-argparse | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | sphinx-inline-tabs | sphinx | 5.3.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | sphinx-multiversion | sphinx | 4.5.0-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | sqlite-utils | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | sqlparse | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | sqwebmail-de | courier | 1.0.5-2 | 1.0.16-3.2 unstable | sshesame | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5 | 1.5.2-3 | 1.5.3-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-1 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.44.0-4 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | sshesame | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | stayrtr | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | stayrtr | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.49.0-1 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | stayrtr | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | stayrtr | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | stayrtr | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | stenographer | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | stenographer | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.22.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | stenographer | gopacket | 1.1.19-4 | 1.1.19-6 unstable | supermin | glibc | 2.37-15.1 | 2.37-17 unstable | supermin | musl | 1.2.4-2 | 1.2.5-1 unstable | supertuxkart | simde | 0.7.6-1 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | swupdate | mtd-utils | 1:2.1.6-1 | 1:2.2.0-1 unstable | syncthing | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-alecthomas-kong | 0.8.1-1 | 0.9.0-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-calmh-incontainer | 0.0~git20221224.b3e71b1-1 | 0.0~git20221224.b3e71b1-2 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-hashicorp-golang-lru-v2 | 2.0.1-2 | 2.0.7-2 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-klauspost-cpuid | 2.2.6-1 | 2.2.7-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.17.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-client-model | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.45.0-3 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-github-shirou-gopsutil | 3.22.10-1 | 3.24.1-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | syncthing | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | syncthing | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | syslinux | gnu-efi | 3.0.9-1 | 3.0.18-1 unstable | tailspin | rust-colored | 2.0.0-1 | 2.1.0-1 unstable | tailspin | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-1 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | tailspin | rustc | 1.70.0+dfsg1-5 | 1.70.0+dfsg1-9 unstable | tea-cli | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-github-cloudflare-circl | 1.3.6-1 | 1.3.7-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-github-go-git-go-billy | 5.3.1-3 | 5.5.0-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-github-imdario-mergo | 0.3.12-1 | 0.3.16-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-github-kevinburke-ssh-config | 1.0-2 | 1.2.0-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-github-yuin-goldmark | 1.6.0-1 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.16.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | tea-cli | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | terminado | sphinx | 7.2.6-2 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | terminaltables | sphinx | 7.2.6-5 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | terminews | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | terminews | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | terminews | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | terminews | golang-github-go-resty-resty | 2.6.0-1 | 2.10.0-1 unstable | terminews | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | terminews | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | terminews | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | terminews | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.18~ds1-1 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | terminews | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | terminews | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | terminews | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | terminews | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | terminews | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | terminews | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | termpaint | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | termshark | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | termshark | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | termshark | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-antchfx-xmlquery | 1.3.3-1 | 1.4.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-antchfx-xpath | 1.1.2-2 | 1.3.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | termshark | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | termshark | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | termshark | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | termshark | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | termshark | wormhole-william | 1.0.6-3 | 1.0.6-4 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-github-google-go-cmp | 0.5.9-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-github-hashicorp-terraform-config-inspect | 0.0~git20230614.f32df32-1 | 0.0~git20230614.f32df32-2 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | terraform-switcher | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | texstudio | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | textql | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | textql | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | textql | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | textql | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.18~ds1-1 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | tfk8s | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | tfk8s | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | tfk8s | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | tfk8s | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | tftp-proxy | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | tml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | tml | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | tripwire | gcc-14 | 14-20240201-3 | 14-20240330-1 unstable | tripwire | glibc | 2.37-15 | 2.37-17 unstable | tt-rss | prototypejs | 1.7.1-3.1 | 1.7.3-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-github-creack-pty | 1.1.18-1 | 1.1.21-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-github-gorilla-mux | 1.8.0-1 | 1.8.1-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | tty-share | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | tuiwidgets | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | umoci | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.2+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | umoci | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | umoci | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | umoci | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | umoci | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | umoci | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | umoci | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | umoci | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 unstable | umoci | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | umoci | golang-github-opencontainers-image-spec | 1.1.0~rc4-3 | 1.1.0~rc5-1 unstable | umoci | golang-github-urfave-cli | 1.22.9-2 | 1.22.14-1 unstable | umoci | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | umoci | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | umoci | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | umoci | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | umoci | golang-google-protobuf | 1.31.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | umoci | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | umoci | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | umoci | runc | 1.1.5+ds1-4 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | umoci | runc | 1.1.10+ds1-1 | 1.1.12+ds1-2 unstable | unikmer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | unikmer | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | unikmer | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.0+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | unikmer | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | unikmer | golang-github-klauspost-pgzip | 1.2.5-2 | 1.2.6-1 unstable | unikmer | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | unikmer | golang-github-shenwei356-util | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 unstable | unikmer | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | unikmer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | unikmer | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | user-mode-linux | linux | 6.5.10-1 | 6.7.9-2 unstable | vcfanno | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | vcfanno | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | verilator | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | vg | simde | 0.7.2-6 | 0.8.0-1 unstable | victoriametrics | go-md2man-v2 | 2.0.3+ds1-1 | 2.0.4-1 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-1.22 | 1.22.0-2 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-github-klauspost-compress | 1.17.2+ds1-1 | 1.17.7+ds1-1 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-2 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-github-prometheus-client-golang | 1.18.0-3 | 1.19.0-1 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-github-prometheus-common | 0.47.0-2 | 0.52.2-1 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-github-prometheus-procfs | 0.12.0-1 | 0.13.0-1 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.21.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | victoriametrics | golang-google-protobuf | 1.32.0-1 | 1.33.0-1 unstable | vip-manager | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 unstable | vip-manager | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | vip-manager | golang-github-json-iterator-go | 1.1.12-1 | 1.1.12-2 unstable | vip-manager | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 unstable | vip-manager | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | vip-manager | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | vip-manager | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | vip-manager | golang-golang-x-sync | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | vip-manager | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | vip-manager | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | vip-manager2 | etcd | 3.4.23-4 | 3.4.30-1 unstable | vip-manager2 | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | vip-manager2 | golang-github-coreos-go-systemd | 22.3.2-1 | 22.5.0-1 unstable | vip-manager2 | golang-github-google-uuid | 1.3.0-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | vip-manager2 | golang-github-mdlayher-socket | 0.5.0-1 | 0.5.0-2 unstable | vip-manager2 | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | vip-manager2 | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | vip-manager2 | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | vip-manager2 | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | votca | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | vuls | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | vuls | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-asaskevich-govalidator | 9+git20180720.0.f9ffefc3-1.1 | 11.0.1-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-aws-aws-sdk-go | 1.45.14-1 | 1.49.0-2 unstable | vuls | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-go-sql-driver-mysql | 1.5.0-2 | 1.7.1-2 unstable | vuls | golang-github-hashicorp-go-uuid | 1.0.2-2 | 1.0.3-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-lib-pq | 1.10.9-1 | 1.10.9-2 unstable | vuls | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 | 1.14.17~ds1-2 | 1.14.19~ds1-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | vuls | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | vuls | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | vuls | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | vuls | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | vuls | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | vuls | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | vuls | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 unstable | wagon | commons-io | 2.11.0-2 | 2.16.0-1 unstable | wagon | libcommons-codec-java | 1.15-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | webhook | golang-1.21 | 1.21.5-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | websocketd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | websocketd | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | websocketd | golang-github-gorilla-websocket | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.1-1 unstable | win32-loader | grub2 | 2.06-2 | 2.12-2 unstable | winrmcp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | winrmcp | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | winrmcp | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | winrmcp | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | winrmcp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | winrmcp | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | winrmcp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | winrmcp | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | wireguard-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | wireguard-go | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | wireguard-go | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | wireguard-go | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | wireguard-go | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | wormhole-william | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | wormhole-william | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.19.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | wormhole-william | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.17.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-github-tidwall-gjson | 1.14.4-2 | 1.17.1-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | wuzz | golang-toml | 1.2.1-1 | 1.3.2-2 unstable | xmpp-dns | golang-1.22 | 1.22.2-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | xq | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | xq | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | xq | golang-fsnotify | 1.6.0-2 | 1.7.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-antchfx-xmlquery | 1.3.3-1 | 1.4.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-antchfx-xpath | 1.1.2-2 | 1.3.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-fatih-color | 1.15.0-1 | 1.16.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-mattn-go-isatty | 0.0.19-1 | 0.0.20-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure | 1.5.0-2 | 1.5.0+git20231216.8508981-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-pelletier-go-toml.v2 | 2.1.0-1 | 2.1.1-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-spf13-afero | 1.9.5-1 | 1.11.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-1 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-spf13-cast | 1.5.1-2 | 1.6.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-github-spf13-cobra | 1.7.0-1 | 1.8.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.15.0-2 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | xq | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.19.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | xq | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | xq | golang-golang-x-text | 0.13.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | xq | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | xtensor | sphinx | 7.2.6-3 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | xtensor-blas | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | yara | sphinx | 7.2.6-4 | 7.2.6-6 unstable | yggdrasil | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | yggdrasil | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.18.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-net | 1:0.20.0+dfsg-1 | 1:0.23.0+dfsg-1 unstable | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.16.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | yggdrasil | golang-golang-x-text | 0.14.0-1 | 0.14.0-2 unstable | ymuse | golang-1.22 | 1.22.1-1 | 1.22.2-2 unstable | yubikey-agent | golang-1.21 | 1.21.3-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | yubikey-agent | golang-1.21 | 1.21.6-1 | 1.21.9-1 unstable | yubikey-agent | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.13.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | yubikey-agent | golang-go.crypto | 1:0.17.0-1 | 1:0.21.0-1 unstable | yubikey-agent | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | yubikey-agent | golang-golang-x-sys | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | yubikey-agent | golang-golang-x-term | 0.12.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | yubikey-agent | golang-golang-x-term | 0.15.0-1 | 0.18.0-1 unstable | zeek | bifcl | 1.4.0-1 | 1.6.2-1 unstable | zeek | binpac | 0.56.0-1 | 0.59.0-1 unstable | zeek | paraglob | 0.5.0-1 | 0.6.0-1 unstable | zsh | glibc | 2.37-13 | 2.37-17 unstable | zsh | libcap2 | 1:2.66-4 | 1:2.66-5 unstable | zsh | ncurses | 6.4+20231209-1 | 6.4+20240414-1 (6825 rows)